The Pursuit of Vikings video!

yeah $HambleZz thats a cool site. too bad i dont understand shit :p
and i cant watch that video of pursuit of vikings that sucks shit! i dont understand!
with what mother fucking program is it supposed to be watched?
Belgar said:
yeah man, get rid of your minitel, that's obsolete french technology.

HAHA well we ruled for quite a while with that, and its still useful to find an address quick :loco:
man you know so much shit :worship: respect!

yeah i got a DivX player but it doesnt want to open that file, my computer bugs all the time, doesnt matter, i'll manage one day ^^
yeah ok lol, its true i haven't updated my divX player for years now, thx, i'll do that later once i've got nothing else to do :p
LazyGuitar said:
Hmmm, I wonder when they will release an epic video filled with snow, blood & fire. Until then, this will do nicely :)

--> when they'll have enough money to do so.. cause for pursuit of vikings.. building a drakkar and filming them playing on it on a violent sea would be quite an expence :p

anyway yeah i managed to see that video (by turning my computor off, and on again... thats the beauty of windows), it is indeed pretty cool. :rock:
thx for hosting
Tomasz said:
What is the big deal about metal videos anyway?

I find them totally useless.

the great deal about metal videos is that we can rediscover songs and bands we like, i think its cool, they give another atmosphere, the one that corresponds to the band. and we can see the members of the band in a different way...
or we can discover bands and learn to like them thanks to videos we've seen.. for example, i discovered In Flames thanks to the video of "artifacts of the black rain" which is neat. :cool:
and also some videos are damn cool
Hejira_Omeed said:
i downloaded divx but i still can't watch the video...what gives?

you gotta have winrar or winzip to unzip it like Belgar had said befor.. once unzipped all you need is windows media player.