The Question Never Answered...


New Metal Member
May 9, 2001
"What is it that men like so much about women's tits?"

My girlfriend made an honest attempt to end her endless and hopeless curiousity by asking me this question.

I didn't have a "true" answer..we just like them..any help?
Uh.. we're conditioned to like them..?

Look at how many movies in the last fifty years that have men being distracted by them, and how they emphasize them.

fifty-one hundred years ago you wouldn't give them thought.
Hehehe ive been asked the same question and suspect i gave the same answer. Its just animalistic instint and i dont want to spoil it by trying to look inside the reasons for that instint
Originally posted by Wolff
"What is it that men like so much about women's tits?"

Probably the same reason why women like penises.. maybe it's just human nature, a built inside sense that attracts the male gender to the female gender.. without tits, wome'd be man..well, execpt at the waist area..
Originally posted by Oyo
It's because they are used to feed babies, and instinctively the larger they are, the more capable they seem to be for mothering children, and it's instinctive to be attracted to those who are able to procreate better.

Procreation/propagating doesn't involve the mammary glands.

Just that.. uh.. other special area ;)
Originally posted by Clarissa

Probably the same reason why women like penises.. maybe it's just human nature, a built inside sense that attracts the male gender to the female gender.. without tits, wome'd be man..well, execpt at the waist area..

Actually I just remembered something that a friend told me once. He told me that he read in a science magazine that evolution did this so that we would stop looking at women's arses. We were paying too much attention to their behinds and they didn't like evolution made these arse-shaped objects closer to their face. Did it work? Or are we going to see arse-shaped objects growing on their forheads next time?
Originally posted by Raoul J.

Was she reffering to breasts or people like you? :D

So you're saying that what she actually meant was: "What is it that women like so much about myself?"
Originally posted by Oyo
It's because they are used to feed babies, and instinctively the larger they are, the more capable they seem to be for mothering children, and it's instinctive to be attracted to those who are able to procreate better.

And is that how you explain why we have a great desire to get blow jobs? :cool:
Originally posted by Triumphant Apostle
Because they look great when they're jigglin'!

Yeah but why doesn't ass look great when it's juggling? Or even worse fat? Must be something else.
The answer is most definitely socialization, not just procreative (is that a word?) instincts, because I myself like a nice pair of boobies too! :D
Originally posted by Lina
The answer is most definitely socialization, not just procreative (is that a word?) instincts, because I myself like a nice pair of boobies too! :D
:eek: I didn't know you had it in you:lol:

Men like boobs so much because it's the part of a womens body that is closest to them (and they feel good too!)