The Question Never Answered...

Originally posted by Triumphant Apostle
True....Now I am even more mystified than before. This question rates up there with "Who built the pyramids?"! :lol:

Surely more important than that. To me anyways.:p
slingblade: or maybe its just somewhere else for men to stick their penises, i know i enjoy a good tit fuck!

:lol: thats a neat spin on it

but in all seriousness, its just instinct. men's brains are attracted to the shape of the female body. we love the hips and legs almost as much. i just think we tend to focus on breasts more is that women tend to show those off the most in our culture, but in other cultures they show off other physical characteristics.
Well, the fact that Britney Spears jumps around half naked with her boobs hanging out probably doesn't help much.... How about that theory??

It's another MTV scam i think.

Or maybe it's just the fact that men don't have tits. (normally. :grin: )
Well, consider this:

The externalization of breasts (i.e. that round, protruding shape off the women's chest that we all know and love) is genetically unnecessary, concerning the practical, biological function of breasts. Breasts are used to feed babies, and (according to unknown sources I vaguely remember), none of the milk-to-nipple production, or storage occurs within the external, rounded, breast - a completely flat chest could be equally proficient in this regard.

Conclusion? The purpose of breasts, in this shape and form, is completely sexual. They evolved to be there specifically for our enjoyment. Breasts actually do exist for the enjoyment of men (and, apparently, Lina).

And, Demonspell, I have no idea why they call it "Pussy"... but then how did "Dick", "Wang", "Schlong", "Willie", etc. all get applied to penis?
Originally posted by HoserHellspawn
Conclusion? The purpose of breasts, in this shape and form, is completely sexual. They evolved to be there specifically for our enjoyment. Breasts actually do exist for the enjoyment of men (and, apparently, Lina).

Man's got a point.
Reality is subjective.

Given: tits aren't actually cool, we just think they are.

why? because it's to the benefit of the species to think so (sucking as babies and fucking as adults).

I think it's a pretty simple thing.

A woman's tits swell during ovulation (and so do the mouth lips btw) and this acts as a sexual signal to men to fuck her little brains out, which is of course a good thing, hehe.
