The Random Crap Thread

1. twat fat 7 up, 3 down

the layer of fat found on the bigger women that hangs over the pussy area

sometimes patterned with purple stretch marks and may hide fungus in the creases

i shagged a right pig last night so bad i had to hunt for her pussy under her twat fat

look at the twat fat on that
1. twat lobster 7 thumbs up

1. crabs
2. some one you dislike or someone who has offended you

1. That girl is so dirty she probably has twat lobsters
2. That guy who just knocked into me is a total twat lobster

1. Butt Shot 1 up, 1 down

The topical application or insertion of an alcohol-soaked sponge (in)to the anus.

Lunchbox: Hey, do you guys have a sponge and some vodka?
Court: Why? You need to get drunk before you clean the bathroom?
Lunchbox: No, you cunt munchkin, I want to do a Butt Shot and then bang out your mom raw-dog-Lewy style!

tags sponge vodka anus drunk butt shot raw-dog cunt munchkin
by Poopy Dick Oxfordia Apr 18, 2007 email it
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2. butt shot 4 up, 13 down

Doing that last shot of leftover alcohol anally to get super drunk from one shot. The alcohol is absorbed MUCh faster by the intestines and will instantly get you ready to party.

"shit man only two shots left...let's do some butt shots and peace out"

1. butt sack 8 up, 1 down

A small pouch that is formed when someone is continually done in the asshole. Usually fills with anal secretions and all kinds of nasty shit, including old, rotten, cum.

1. Oh shit, my butt sack is full again. Hold on while I go squeeze it out.

2. What's that gay kid doing?
Itching his butt sack.

1. butt rust 10 up, 1 down

The dry rusty colored shit around your asshole when you dont wipe well really burns and its hurts making it hard to also hurts extremely bad when you take a dump if you already have it...the best way to get rid of it is with some wet TP or paper towels

Dude...i can't butt rust hurts...ahhh it burns

3. Queef 1443 up, 691 down

Air expulsion from the vaginal area usually after sex. In the eighteenth century, it was common practice for small groups of well-to-do Southern women to each lift up their corsets and "queef" at their leisure on warm, summer afternoons. Typically performed on balconies or porches, these women would insert various large objects in their TOOTS and slowly pull them out to create the desired sound. These "porch parties" would provide hours of fun for the ladies while the men were away, and, from a practical standpoint, at times, enough air circulation as a respite from the brutal summer heat. Small wagers were often placed with the winner going to longest continuous queef, highest pitch, lowest pitch, smelliest, and wettest. There was also the queef sing-a-long; and a special prize was given to any women whose queef could attract wildlife.

Annabelle tried to conceal her queef at the governors ball but to no avail

1. Queef Shower 13 up, 22 down

When a man is eating out a woman and she has a very juicy queef that splatters in his face.

Yo, I was eating this bitch and she gave me a queef shower so I smacked her and went home.
wow that movie looks....i dunno. my prediction based on the lameness of supposed 'action' movies out lately is that it'll probably be pg13 and quite low on actual death.