We Human beings have the responsibility to at least clean up our own mess (the state of the planet).
what do you base that on?
might I draw a parallel. Seeing that you're from Aussie, I'm sure you're not an evolution denialist, so you can appreciate man's part in nature.
when influenza kills chickens and cows and humans, does it have a responsibility to clean up it's mess? if not, why not?
suppose trees could clean up all the oxygen they make, in the interest of restoring the nice carbon-dioxide rich environment they're ruining with their behavior...
what actions of ours might be ruinous to our own survival as a species (which include overfishing and whatnot, not just the mess of pollution) may well be extremely beneficial for another species...and nature will continue along it's way happy as can be. Hell, how many extinctions do we have to thank for our existence, 3? ...destroying the status quo isn't intrinsically a bad thing. Thus it seems to me it is only for selfish reasons that we would seek to "clean up the mess", i.e., preserve the measure of cleanliness which favors our wellbeing. And what responsibility has any one of us to preserve that for ourselves or others? And do you hold this principle down to the level of the individual, as does Peter Singer when he says we in the west with $30,000 to spend on a luxury car, should be sending $20,000 to people starving to death in Africa---you're responsible to do with the environment what is good for other humans, right?--so why not other things for their good, instead of doing merely what you wish to, such as because you happen to find it also benefits you (as many people do with water restriction, reducing power usage, recycling, etc.)?
Either you're responsible to others, or you aren't. And if you're responsible to others, why to those who're yet unborn generations who'll suffer our ruins of this world and struggle to reverse the damage, but not to those who live and suffer today without our help? and if you are responsible to both, but do nothing for some, preferring your own broadband, and nike sneakers, why should we help those of the others you want to help, and in the way you want them helped, and with the amount of resources you think we should give of what we have?
hypocrisy corrodes all noble ideals.