The results are in...the BOTTOM to TOP of Opeth songs!

I'm with some people, DOTF is not so good to be in the top 10. Master Apprentices or Black Rose Inmortal are better.

And I was expecting a higher place for The Grand Conjuration, so bad is it?
My list:

1. Deliverance
2. The Baying Of The Hounds
3. Ghost Of Perdition
4. The Drapery Falls
5. Godhead's Lament
6. To Rid The Disease
7. The Grand Conjuration
8. Reverie/Harlequin Forest
9. Wreath
10. Harvest
11. The Funeral Portrait
12. Bleak
13. A Fair Judgement
14. Windowpane
15. Blackwater Park
16. Master's Apprentices
17. Serenity Painted Death
18. The Leper Affinity
19. In My Time Of Need
20. Hours Of Wealth

by now, it's ok so. a lot of songs from Ghost Reveries, the record I appreciate the most as a whole, currently. And yeah, this list will change someday when I own every record. I only own the records from 1999 up to now, as you can see.
And it's already hard to choose ^^
Hey all of ya guys, thanks for the cool feedback. All you guys did your damndest to compile those :hypno: CRAZY lists so there was no way I was just going to forget about this, even though it did take a good 4 hours or so altogether lol. The FUNNEST part of it all was seeing the numbers build up on my spreadsheet document. I was cheering for BLEAK, THE MOOR and APRIL ETHEREAL when alas, Ghost of Perdition was scoring SO MANY 20's (top 3) and c'mon, it was in over 90% of the members' lists that's oughta count for something, right? Hey, I put it on my list as well but it wasn't even in my top 10. Oh well, I DO LOVE that song regardless.

And I agree with billyneverdies; had there been more votes (man I wished I got the 100 - would have been cool!) we would surely have seen different results, ever so slightly...give or take a few spots, etc. Hey, The Moor actually had the HIGHEST avg - which basically means the ones who voted for it REALLY liked it. This is the song I had expected to get #1 - I was surprised to see a few with this song placing it so low on the lists, hehe.

Amarantus, yeah me too - HELL, I wanted Bleak at #1 or #2 but it just wasn't included in the top 3 enough times...sadly.

As far as DOTF is concerned, lol man...go back and look at the lists. I'm sure you'll agree most think VERY HIGHLY of this song. I love it to death, but I don't agree with it being in the top 5 either - in fact, I barely placed it in my top 10 as well.

Great job you've done.
But you made a mistake here. Ghost of Perdition was included in 35/38 lists, not 34/38. Only foodforthegods, me and frycus spoiled the unity of the community by leaving the song out of our lists.
But it's a good song, and it was very close for making it to my list. Just not this time.

Haha, what? :lol: You didn't feel like contributing more to the songs popularity? Shame on ya, man. Nah, but really, all kidding aside IT'S a good song (a terrific one at that) and it did rightfully get all those points it received. The participants loved GoP, no arguing that hehe.

I admit, I was expecting one of the other top 10 to be no.1 instead of GoP. How many people actually put it as their number one?

It DID get more than a few #1's, but it was almost in EVERYONE'S top 3. And, if anyone has seen my update in that thread, I tried to be a bit more lenient and decided to give the top 3 equal points while 4th place started at 19 points...this decision is due to a few making note of the fact they more than likely, 100% damn sure that the top 3 was concrete while the rest are hard to decide upon (I was even thinking the top 5, but that would have stretched it a bit - top 3 had special treatment.) GoP, When, DoTF I remembered the most in everyone's top 3.

tgrude, yeah, BWP entered at #10 (which shocked me, as I didn't even place it on my list o_O) but it earned one of the highest avg rates - who knows what would have happened had more lists made it in.

:rock: Don Corelone - cheers to that, man! Yes, STILL LIFE...all the way. Somehow I knew that one would receive all around the most votes combined.

Sadguru: Ehh...told ya there'd be a shocker. Even though it's not my top 10, i'm not that pissed at this result - this is the one that sold me BIG TIME on ghost reveries and it's cool it got uhhh...recognition. Blew my mind that so many ranked it so high. Like you, I had thought The Moor would have taken it, for sure - but then again, this was more complex and many probably didn't feel like taking part in it thus the minimum feedback.

In the end, it was all for the fuck of it, as I have said before. And you know what? Overall, it's nothing really new. The most talked about songs DID in fact rank high. I think the list is pretty accomodating to the overall tastes of the board. Heck, The Moor, When and Godhead's were ALL in my top 5 so I can't really complain.

Cheers, guys! Who knows, if enough more lists come in I can update with the newer ones at some point. I have the spreadsheet saved up, so less work for me from now on...phew.

Final note: I still think many of the lists (save for the top 3 or 5 maybe) were just randomly put together quickly, haha. Which is still cool, because it's kinda like what are the songs that just IMMEDIATELY come to mind when asked to compile a list like this. My top 5 for me, was a sure fire-BAM - AE, Bleak, Moor, When, Godhead''s not until later that it got quite hard.
Hey all of ya guys, thanks for the cool feedback. All you guys did your damndest to compile those :hypno: CRAZY lists so there was no way I was just going to forget about this, even though it did take a good 4 hours or so altogether lol. The FUNNEST part of it all was seeing the numbers build up on my spreadsheet document. I was cheering for BLEAK, THE MOOR and APRIL ETHEREAL when alas, Ghost of Perdition was scoring SO MANY 20's (top 3) and c'mon, it was in over 90% of the members' lists that's oughta count for something, right? Hey, I put it on my list as well but it wasn't even in my top 10. Oh well, I DO LOVE that song regardless.

And I agree with billyneverdies; had there been more votes (man I wished I got the 100 - would have been cool!) we would surely have seen different results, ever so slightly...give or take a few spots, etc. Hey, The Moor actually had the HIGHEST avg - which basically means the ones who voted for it REALLY liked it. This is the song I had expected to get #1 - I was surprised to see a few with this song placing it so low on the lists, hehe.

Amarantus, yeah me too - HELL, I wanted Bleak at #1 or #2 but it just wasn't included in the top 3 enough times...sadly.

As far as DOTF is concerned, lol man...go back and look at the lists. I'm sure you'll agree most think VERY HIGHLY of this song. I love it to death, but I don't agree with it being in the top 5 either - in fact, I barely placed it in my top 10 as well.

Haha, what? :lol: You didn't feel like contributing more to the songs popularity? Shame on ya, man. Nah, but really, all kidding aside IT'S a good song (a terrific one at that) and it did rightfully get all those points it received. The participants loved GoP, no arguing that hehe.

It DID get more than a few #1's, but it was almost in EVERYONE'S top 3. And, if anyone has seen my update in that thread, I tried to be a bit more lenient and decided to give the top 3 equal points while 4th place started at 19 points...this decision is due to a few making note of the fact they more than likely, 100% damn sure that the top 3 was concrete while the rest are hard to decide upon (I was even thinking the top 5, but that would have stretched it a bit - top 3 had special treatment.) GoP, When, DoTF I remembered the most in everyone's top 3.

tgrude, yeah, BWP entered at #10 (which shocked me, as I didn't even place it on my list o_O) but it earned one of the highest avg rates - who knows what would have happened had more lists made it in.

:rock: Don Corelone - cheers to that, man! Yes, STILL LIFE...all the way. Somehow I knew that one would receive all around the most votes combined.

Sadguru: Ehh...told ya there'd be a shocker. Even though it's not my top 10, i'm not that pissed at this result - this is the one that sold me BIG TIME on ghost reveries and it's cool it got uhhh...recognition. Blew my mind that so many ranked it so high. Like you, I had thought The Moor would have taken it, for sure - but then again, this was more complex and many probably didn't feel like taking part in it thus the minimum feedback.

In the end, it was all for the fuck of it, as I have said before. And you know what? Overall, it's nothing really new. The most talked about songs DID in fact rank high. I think the list is pretty accomodating to the overall tastes of the board. Heck, The Moor, When and Godhead's were ALL in my top 5 so I can't really complain.

Cheers, guys! Who knows, if enough more lists come in I can update with the newer ones at some point. I have the spreadsheet saved up, so less work for me from now on...phew.

Final note: I still think many of the lists (save for the top 3 or 5 maybe) were just randomly put together quickly, haha. Which is still cool, because it's kinda like what are the songs that just IMMEDIATELY come to mind when asked to compile a list like this. My top 5 for me, was a sure fire-BAM - AE, Bleak, Moor, When, Godhead''s not until later that it got quite hard.

Haha, you just posted like....50 posts worth of shit I won't even begin to read :lol: no offense

I didn't bother to post my list but I like how it turned out

btw, here's my list mofos:

1. When
2. Hours of Wealth
3. April Ethereal
4. The Moor
6. To Bid You Farewell
7. Twilight is my robe
8. Hope Leaves
9. Baying of the Hounds
10. Master's Apprentices
11. Black Rose Immortal
12. whatever...
yup....very very surprised...i wouldnt have guessed #1 be GoP....!!!.....well...i didnt vote eitehr.....this looks like a thread...mostly noobs were partaking...thats why GoP won......i certainyl have no say in I didnt vote....but would def. go for The Moor or Leper Affinity.......but on the albums wise ...i totally agree.....Still life...followed closely by BWP...!!!.....thanx for ure effort.....this is very cool.....PEAC EOUT
That's really cool how you put that together...

Now I think I'll have to throw together a cd (or 2?...3?) of this list. This would make a GREAT show.
Bonus: Album points by popularity

1. STILL LIFE (1638 pts.)
2. Blackwater Park (1612 pts.)
3. My Arms, Your Hearse (1517 pts.)
4. Ghost Reveries (1204 pts.)
5. Deliverance (1031 pts.)
6. Morningrise (860 pts.)
7. Damnation (803 pts.)
8. Orchid (513 pts.)

I have a problem with these numbers... The albums don't have the same number of songs! So, just ranking them by the total number of votes is kind of innacurate.

I'm assuming that you included the bonus songs on their respective discs (ie Soldier of Fortune - GR, Circle of the Tyrants - MAYH, etc.) If not, then my numbers will be off. Regardless, yours need to be fixed to reflect the relative sizes of the albums.

Here are the recalculated results (and aren't they interesting?)

1. Still Life (7 songs) -- 234 pts
2. Morningrise (5 songs) -- 172 pts
3. Deliverance (6 songs) -- 171.8 pts
4. My Arms (9 songs) -- 168.6 pts
5. Blackwater Park (11 songs) -- 146.5 pts
6. Ghost Reveries (9 songs) -- 133.8 pts
7. Damnation (8 songs) -- 100.4 pts
8. Orchid (7 songs) -- 73.3 pts
