The return of the lost Follow the Reaper CD


Oct 24, 2002
Earlier today I found my Follow the Reaper CD that I though had been lost somewhere in was hidden in my parents CD collection :eek:

I have all of CoB's albums, but I really feel that there is something special about Follow the Reaper, some kind of special atmosphear or something...anyone else noticed this?

And strangly enough Ive lost this CD twice before...I guess Im going to have to put it in a safe place now ;)
and i just fucking hate when i lose a guitar pick... when i'm sitting down with the guitar and get up, i usually take the pick with me to wherever i was going and leave it there... so my pick always ends showing up in the most stupid places (the kitchen, etc)
i just hate that! but i'm far from a perfect intellect anyway :p

Yeah picks are extremely easy to lose, there should be some sort of red flashing light on them, like when your not holding it, the light starts flashing :p