The Ritual & Low

Great record. If only the drums were a bit louder. :)
Low, Hail Mary, Trail of Tears, P.C., Ride... A lot of great tracks, and I especially love Tempesta's drumming style.

The Ritual is lame. Really lame. "Electric Crown" is a cool song, and there are some fine lead guitar parts, but, it is a very lame record. Lame.
Testament is an underrated metal band. Low is a kick ass album. I personally thing Souls of Black is agood album too, a kind of "Mater of Puppets" or "Among the Living" in thier time table of albums. I akin them to the almighty Anthrax, sticking to the metal guns. Not that Metallica didnt.....
I love The Ritual. That was actually the record that got me into Testament back when it came out. The production is massive and there is some real quality metal on that album. Songs like Troubled dreams, As the seasons grey, The ritual, The Sermon, So many lies and Let go of my world are among their best. Way underrated record.

Low is great too. When they had got a lot of heat due to the more rockish approach on The ritual they released this beast. Songs like Low, Hail Mary, All I could Bleed, Dog faced gods and Chasing fear are top nutch! Too bad it didn't get the promotion and distribution it deserved...

/Niels K