The Rugby League thread

Once they stop pretending to be the North Coast Eagles things will pick up Koichi, that has been whats killing them, they will do ok once the go back to Brookvale.

How bad did the Bears get screwed over? Next years playing strip is the Sea Eagles one, the Bears are non existant! Same with Illawarra, joint ventures my ass!
I know,eagles got screwed over big time,we didn't even get most of the bears good players,ahhh well,next year it is.

Apparently last year we had the choice between Barret and Kimmordinary and we chose Kimmorly,WHY????
I dont know, then they gave him like 500000 dollars a year! The only player worth that is Andrew Johns!
I hope they don't start a team on the Central Coast. There are far too many other areas in the country that needs a team - Brisbane for one! How can Sydney have 9 teams, yet Brisbane has one? Where's the logic in that?? Getting rid of Souths (who should never have been let back in in the first place) would be a good place to start.
They wont, there are too many teams as it is, they wouldnt be dumb enough to start another one!
You don't have enough fans for more teams.
Half your clubs are already struggling financially, so what’s gonna happen if you split the already sparse group of supporters between more clubs?