The Ruins of Beverast - Rain Upon the Impure

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
This is a good, maybe great, album but what's with the tiny, tiny, tiny production? Is it just my promo? We're talking about everything being faint and way off in the background. We're not talking about tons of Xasthurized reverb or tons of treble. It's just such a terrible recording job, I can hardly hear it at normal volume. Their previous album was much better sounding than this; however, the music on Rain Upon the Impure is easily their best.

With a better production this could have been one of the top 10 of the year. As it is now, I'll have to give it a lot of listens to truly find out how good this is.
yeah I know what you mean about the production. Personally I prefer the music in addition to the production of Unlock the Shrine, I think its an overall stronger album. Rain Upon The Impure lacks the heavy-as-balls/apocalyptic sounding aspect of UTS. Still a good album though, plenty of atmosphere.
Everything this band has done is worth owning. One of a few bands that could release a "Cold Lake" and I'd still eat that shit up.
I own and enjoy the Rain upon... album but never really warmed up to anything after that. I've always found their music to lack "feeling" for lack of a better explanation. Also caught them live a couple times, they're good but again, it failed to ignite a spark. I have a similar problem with Urfaust. While having no issue whatsoever with drawn out monolithic stuff, I simply "disagree" with most of their songwriting choices. My loss I guess.