The Ruins of Beverast (ATTN: Jersey and others into French BM)

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
The Ruins of Beverast 'Unlock The Shrine'

Well, this band is actually from Germany, but they sound like a French BM band. Very progressive with what they are doing. Songs are fairly long and really take time to develop properly. Each song is very different from the previous. The entire album is VERY ambitious.

The flyer that came with the promo says it's for fans of Leviathan, Lurker of Chalice, and Xasthur, and I can see where they're coming from on that. But this band is drastically different in one important way; they don't drown the listener in reverb, distortion, etc. They also have lots of subtle passages mixed with the heavier stuff. I also think they are influenced more by the new wave or European black metal, than the current wave of US black metal. They have some great riffs, and at times they remind me a bit of what Mercyful Fate might sound like if they played this style of black metal.

Here's a zipped file of the entire album. WMA's . . . sorry Jersey.

Let me know if that download works. I've been having a bitch of a time with Yousendit.
I'm going to get this when I get home... FBM is good to me

EDIT: fuck WMA... I'll get it of DC++
The Ruins of Beverast never worked for me. Their ambiant-BM sounds like a forced patchwork, I never managed to catch an atmosphere in there like with Lurker of Chalice. By the way it's an offshot from some Nagelfar member.
Erik said:
so if that's the case why doesn't anyone use it ever

It's the second most used format. Here's a good article on digital music formats, and why mp3 might not be the best choice.

I like WMA's because of their superior quality. I'm not a Microsoft hater just for the sake of being a Microsoft hater.

If I had ripped this in mp3 format, I would have posted it that way. It took me an hour to upload this because Yousendit was being a bitch. I'd rip in mp3 and upload it, but I don't have time for that.
thanks Nate, I'll definitely check this out

and I don't dislike WMA for its audio qualities, I dislike it because I can't put it on my iPod, and I just don't sit in front of my desktop PC and listen to music often; WMA forces me to do that

but thanks, I D/L'd it
Nate The Great said:
I like WMA's because of their superior quality. I'm not a Microsoft hater just for the sake of being a Microsoft hater.
i dislike wma because i can't play it in my regular player because it's not an open format

anyway i dare you to do an A/B listening test with 160-192 kbps wma and mp3 and see if you can pick out wma (or indeed, mp3) as the superior format

and ogg vorbis is better than either anyway
My only point is that I have a player that can play WMA and mp3. WMA is the better format. Why would I want an inferiour product? I like making business decisions, and no business that makes money would ever make the decision to use an inferior product.

Done with that argument.

If anybody downloads this, let me know your thoughts. I'm not saying the band is amazing. I'm just saying they're worth my time and attention.

EDIT: In the future I'll try to remember to only offer mp3, since so many of you have players that won't play WMA.
Erik said:
do you hear an audible difference, or do you hold this opinion because cnet told you to?

I've never compared the two, but since pretty much anybody that knows anything about technology would say the same thing, I'm going with WMA. Plus, I already have about 400 CDs ripped in WMA. So it's too late to change now.
I've read things that indicated the same things Nate says, Erik. I don't have any proof either, but its not just CNET, whatever that is