the rumors of tie-dyes and myself


Sep 12, 2002
very true. what i do is start with a black base, and then second that with a black variant and throw it all onto a black shirt.

my tie-dyes will get you PUMPED. it's genius, really.

Avi is from SF, i know he wants to buy a few.
the thing with the tie dye undies is to make it so that the design is in fact a film rather than ink permutation. when worn it leaves traces of hues on the pelvis -- for gonorrhea related trickery.

Jake, you're, what... an Iowan? you know you want some tie-dyes
Originally posted by goatschool
the thing with the tie dye undies is to make it so that the design is in fact a film rather than ink permutation. when worn it leaves traces of hues on the pelvis -- for gonorrhea related trickery.

Jake, you're, what... an Iowan? you know you want some tie-dyes

once and for all nick, I DO NOT HAVE VD DAMMIT!
these fags are from iowa

truthfully, i've heard that members of that band helped to form the original version of ANAL BLAST.

in fact, i've heard many stories about don decker, Jake. do you know of that dude?
don decker is the vox in AB, apparently the big metal promoter in MN/IA, and owns the a store in st paul of which i'm forgetting the name.

i've heard many first hand tales of his assholery. not that i care much. but still.