The Scottish Thread

I had a kilt when I was a kid but, since I'm a girl, I guess it was more like a cool looking skirt:p

And my grandmother is Scottish-Canadian, therefore I should have the right to take part in this thread:grin: :p
SilentNightThrobbongNight said:

On the movie thread...

It's because it was pretty much all wrong haha. At the battle of Stirling they didn't fight in some huge ass field... they fought at a friggen bridge. Idk.. theres a lot more if you go into history.

Your sig owns too.

Oh and I'm a Scottish wannabe, I go to the random huge Scottish festival in New York every year with my Fraser clan family, now that Fraser of Lovat if you are wondering. Its pretty sweet.
NeedledWarheart said:
You people are insane.

Why would you WANT to be scottish...


I guess it's a little different when you live in another country and what not.. but who the hell wouldn't wanna throw rocks for a sport and toss Telephone poles everywhere?!?! And you get to have a friggen claymore with long hair and a single braid on one side! Come on now!
ShadowOfFire said:
I guess it's a little different when you live in another country and what not.. but who the hell wouldn't wanna throw rocks for a sport and toss Telephone poles everywhere?!?! And you get to have a friggen claymore with long hair and a single braid on one side! Come on now!
in a short phrase: if you like RPG Dwarves, you'd see no problem in being scottish! :lol:
Beats me... I know there is like 2 clans of Fraser.. as I said, I am Fraser of Lovat. Maybe Needled could answer that one considering he lives in Scotland.
i would have thought letting some chicks turn your head into an antelope trophy counts as interaction, but yeah i can imagine you never got past that point with a girl or guy... or sheep... etc
