The Scottish Thread

hahahah that thing about why would anyone want to be Scottish reminded me of a Trainspotting scene. They said something about how could they be proud of being Scottish when they didn't even get a decent people to be colonized by... only the English! :lol:

BTW someone told me the music in Braveheart is not even Scottish but Irish!
Níl mé ó Ablain ach tá's agam Gaeilige.

Right, I don't know if anyone understands that, but it's Irish, as far as I know Scottish-Gaeilige is close enough ;).
_Quarantine_ said:
BTW someone told me the music in Braveheart is not even Scottish but Irish!

Well that's not true.

NeedledWarheart said:
Lol, i think everyone but "lakebodom666" and i isn't scottish that has posted here, :lol:

Well I don't live in Scotland but Technically if you follow the blood line, I'm just another crazy ass Scotsman.
Bloodlines are jsut an excuse for americans to be in Denial over their countries of Origin.

But you're irish, so thats ok :D
Kitty said:
:lol: wow is there any big group that has come out of Scotland ? All I know is that Mary Queen of Scots got her head chopped off by Elizabeth the First. Ew.......

That poor excuse of a play is by Liz Locchead, we are studying her shit in my english class.

Not only is she unfunny, she actually sucks grade A choderocket.
Sounds like most English Teachers :D

My thread got closed so I'm taking over this one and calling myself Scottish.
Braveheart is great. FREEDOOMMM
Actually, the best character is the Irish Guy, but whatever.