The Seventh Seal

Caelum Adustum

Call me Ishmael
Jul 12, 2003
The "classic" film by Swedish director Ingmar Bergman. Has anyone seen this film? How good is it? Is it worth buying?

I've wanted to see it for a while, but the only price I've seen it for is $35 so I'm just trying to get some opinions other than reviews before I "dish out the cash."
Its a fuckin classic man, and it is worth buying. This one used to be in my top 10 films, but then i saw some Bergman films i liked more and it came down :p
It definetally has some of the stronger images ever in a film.
I've seen a DVD trilogy with Through a Glass Darkly, Winter Light, and The Silence which I thought about getting until I realized it was $70 :loco:

Which one of his films would you consider his greatest work?

Edit: What happened to my font?
If you want to watch a Swedish movie that bad, watch "Songs From The Second Floor" thats my fav. Swedish movie by far.
Then again thats the only Swedish non Bergman movie i ever saw :p
Actually I wanted to see the Seventh Seal based on content not because it's Swedish höhö (I didn't even notice it was Swedish until I saw it at a store this week :D ), but thanks for the recommendation, I shall look for it.
Caelum Adustum said:
Was bedeutet das?
nooooo!! You're supposed to say "Jag är Döden"

Dude: Vem är du?
Death: Jag är Döden.
Dude: Har du kommit för att hämta mig?
Death: Jag har länge gått vid din sida. Är du beredd?
Dude: Min kropp är beredd. Inte jag.

From memory and I have never even seen the movie, hah. I rule if it's all correct.
fotmbm said:
Dude: Vem är du?
Death: Jag är Döden.
Dude: Har du kommit för att hämta mig?
Death: Jag har länge gått vid din sida. Är du beredd?
Dude: Min kropp är beredd. Inte jag.

Dude: Who are you?
Death: I am death.
Dude: Have you come for me?
Death: I have been sent. Are you ready?
Dude: *mmhmm*

How close?
Dude: Who are you?
Death: I am Death.
Dude: Have you come to take me? (maybe)
Death: I have language guns with a side. Are you bored?
Dude: My crotch is bread, not I.
Dude: Who are you?
Death: I am death.
Dude: Have you come for me?
Death: I have long walked by your side. Are you ready?
Dude: My body is ready. I am not (and then there's really more where he challenges Death in chess and stuff)
There is a film called The Seventh Sign with Demi Moore. She gets her paps out for all the lads, pre-implant days. Plus she's 8 months pregnant, so the whole thing is quite sexy if you like MILFs in the making. Otherwise it's fucken gross. :loco: It's a good film though.

Self evident, but my post has nothing to do with this thread, other than the fact that the movie title I suggested has the word "seventh" in it. It lacks seals however.
Caelum Adustum said:
The "classic" film by Swedish director Ingmar Bergman. Has anyone seen this film? How good is it? Is it worth buying?

I've wanted to see it for a while, but the only price I've seen it for is $35 so I'm just trying to get some opinions other than reviews before I "dish out the cash."

It is muchly cool, I strongly recomend it. I've only seen one more Bergman film, Smultronstället (called Wild Strawberries in english I think) which was pretty good as well, but not anywhere near TSS.

Which reminds me, Agalloch has used samples from it (as well as Funeral Mist btw), but does anyone know were the samples in spanish in the same song (Hawtorne Passage?) are from?
since Agalloch lost the RC Poll ... can we ban all discussion of them for 60 days? :lol: