The sexiest guy at PP5...??

Thor Intrepid said:

AAAHHH!! Don't do that!!! Think I'm gonna be sick!!! :yuk: :puke:

I agree with Metal Rose -- lots of gorgeous men at PP5!!

But if I must specify, I think the guy in the picture with me (see avatar) is pretty easy on the eyes, heh heh! :D

TwstDrSteph said:
AAAHHH!! Don't do that!!! Think I'm gonna be sick!!! :yuk: :puke:

I agree with Metal Rose -- lots of gorgeous men at PP5!!

But if I must specify, I think the guy in the picture with me (see avatar) is pretty easy on the eyes, heh heh! :D


More of that stuff...... :loco: *lol*
I had a favorite and a runner-up, and neither of them were in the bands... I won't embarass anybody by naming names, though. :) To top it off, Mr. Hot Stuff also wound up being Mr. Cool and Smart and Interesting, too.

Then there was Urban, Daniel G, Doc Wacholz, Khan... okay, stopping now! lol
This will be dumb but, Primo Babe of the weekend has to go to my boyfriend. I've never seen him so sexy and "rock-star" for so long. He has long blonde hair but he usually wears it back in a ponytail. Last weekend he had it down most of the time and I couldn't keep my hands off him!

After that, Daniel from Pain of Salvation is one of the sexiest men on stage I've ever seen... something about him, can't put my finger on it (though I'd like to try!)


Also some of the guys from Tad Morose are yummy!
Chris Cafferey isn't too bad to look at...
Tobias from Edguy is always eyecandy (thinning hair or not!) and then he put on the bandana and transformed into mini-Axel Rose!! o_O
Gus, the new singer from Adagio, is so sweet and cute that he's a major babe!
The vocalist for Brainstorm - killer hair and an awesome personality! Great hugger!

And who could forget the hot bartenders everywhere?!?! The guys only get to drool over ONE bartender, but us girls get at least 4 or 5! The Vinyl guys are certainly the most drool-worthy!

Tammy Z
Oh, forgot one! I know the guys probably think he's gay, but you can't deny the sexiness of a man that looks like a much-younger Geoff Tate in vinyl pants with a killer set of pipes!!

MetalRose said:
This guy was such a babe:



LMFAO!! Okay, this just about made me shoot coffee out my nose!

Off the top of my head, I'd have to say Gus from Adagio because he reminds me of Ray Gillen and because he's such a damn sweetie. Bernhard, The drummer from Dreamscape, OMG he was beautiful!! There was also a guy from Wisconsin named Adrian who was very easy on the eyes :)

Sheeeit, the hot guys at PP are like Lays. No one can have just one! (Does that read as bad as I think it does? LOL)
13ShadesofGray said:
There was also a guy from Wisconsin named Adrian who was very easy on the eyes :)

Sheeeit, the hot guys at PP are like Lays. No one can have just one! (Does that read as bad as I think it does? LOL)
If you’re talking about a different guy from Wisconsin (you certain about that name?) than I am, I hereby vote for Wisconsin as the State of the Metal Babes! :) That's where my "Sexiest Guy" was from, too. And yes, that reads every bit as bad as you think, but that's okay--it's funny and true at the same time! :D
sh0kr0k said:
Oh, forgot one! I know the guys probably think he's gay, but you can't deny the sexiness of a man that looks like a much-younger Geoff Tate in vinyl pants with a killer set of pipes!!


Gay? Kamelot had the finest girls backstage of anyone!
