The Shield - Season 6 teasers

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Brett T

First of all, there are some spoilers here. Nothing major, and mostly stuff that you figure had to happen at some point, but this is why they are called Teasers.

Also, if you don't watch The Shield, you are missing out on what is easily the greatest show on television. It took the throne from 24 pretty fast in my mind, and can't be topped right now. Absolutely AMAZING show.

Anyways, from TVGuide....

Question: What on earth is wrong with you?! FX makes us wait for The Shield to premiere the sixth season, and you let weeks and weeks go by without any new info? And you call yourself a fan?— Colin F.

Ausiello: Good news: I'm up to my chapped elbows in Shield scoop after watching the first six episodes over the weekend. Here are some teases to tide you over till April 3.

• Episodes 1, 2 and 6 rank among the best Shield episodes ever.

• Forest Whitaker's Kavanaugh makes his final appearance in Episode 2.

• Mackey doesn't find out that Shane killed Lem until sometime in May. (Hint: The episode in question was cowritten by series creator Shawn Ryan and directed by Shawshank Redemption helmer Frank Darabont.)

• Someone from Mackey's past returns in Episode 5. (Think Rocky.)

• The Strike Team adds two new faces. Well, only one of them is new — Aussie actor Alex O' Loughlin, who joins the cast as Det. Kevin Hiatt. The other one is a Farmington vet who gets "promoted" by Claudette.

Also, Vic’s daughter google’s him! Which ought to make for an interesting confrontation.

My Thoughts

First of all, totally shocking that Kavanaugh is gone so fast. Forrest Whitaker deserves all sorts of awards for this role, and it's going to suck to see him go. Vic finding out Shane killed Lem sometime THIS season shocks me as well, and should be a huge turning point on the show.

The person from Vic's past and his daughter thing have me baffled, but the 2nd new member of the Strike Team should be interesting... Julian? Dutch? It's going to be weird seeing another new face on the team.
hey man, aweomse to see another shield fan in here besides me and rattlehead...

im not gonna read it only cuz i cant wait to see the show this season, it feels like forever since last season.
k, i logged in now. Been a fan since 2002.

It has been. A little over a year now it seems. 6 days and we're golden.
I have a feeling that seeing Kavanaugh go will be one of the most powerful moments in the season. You know he won't go easily. He will either get killed, or go completely insane by the case being closed.

I think Whitaker was brilliant as Kavanaugh, but not quite to the extent that he is given credit for. He said he wanted the character to be seen as the good guy, and to expose Vic as a villain, a heartless cop killer (for killing Terry). He definitely did not succeed on that front.
I'm not badmouthing his performance though. I still think he was brilliant, and his performances were very dramatic and powerful.

What I'm curious to see is if Dutch uses his pimp techniques (that he learned at the end of the season) to hook up with Tina (for comic relief).
I also wonder if he and Claudette's relationship will be the same, considering there seemed to be bad blood between the two at the end of the season. Or if Claudette's health will deteriorate further.

Judging by the fact that Vic learns Shane killed Lem pretty early on, I guess it's safe to say that Vic won't do anything too drastic to him, at least right away. But I think Shane will hold the Terry murder over Vic.

I wonder if Antwon Mitchell will be involved in anything.

I simply cannot wait!