the shuttle happened right above me

Originally posted by RealHazard
Are you asking my opinion of Italians?

actually, i thought italians were the ones with a bad reputation. i wouldn't really mind anyway, it's no secret that i'd rather have been born in almost any english-speaking country in the world. a lot of the usual stuff about italians (boorish, noisy, sleazy) is - generally speaking - absolutely true.

this is funny although it was my mother who sent it to me.


Some nice things are being told about us in that thread linked from.. ah it's the nevermore forum, nevermind. :p
a lot of the replies on that Nevermore BB thread were distasteful, to put it mildly.

very sad what happened to the shuttle... but I say, in light of this, what better time than to go to Mars? seriously!
Originally posted by FatherVic
selling columbia parts on ebay???? damn, really, sometimes prejudices come to be a bit the way it really is!!!!

come on, other countries with similar economic habits would have done the same. i've always felt lack of taste as a phenomenon is pretty horizontal. :)

¬_¬ well this is not particularly similar to when pieces of the Iron Curtain were sold in newspapers! At least i don't think many people would go and buy pieces of a destroyed aircraft...well may be because we don't have any spacial aircraft anyway...

bah, to me it sounds too flat. the next is a full color report in :yuk:

Originally posted by FatherVic
¬_¬ well this is not particularly similar to when pieces of the Iron Curtain were sold in newspapers! At least i don't think many people would go and buy pieces of a destroyed aircraft...well may be because we don't have any spacial aircraft anyway...

i have the feeling the point of these sales is not just the actual purchase. so, maybe there is some strategy behind trying to sell items noone would want to buy.
i agree that there are some excesses that europe is not accustomed to yet, but i'd hardly say it's a question of different development on the part of europe/america; more like a matter of stages, merely time-related...

@FV: i think you mean "the Berlin wall". The "Iron Curtain" is a concept, not a physical part of reality. It's out of a phrase by some statesman I can't place exactly at the moment.

Now, buying a piece of a concept would be interesting. :grin:

@ardor: it might also be a sign that research money to the nasa has been scarce in the past decade. without the stimuli of another nation trying to prove its worth by "getting up there" faster and better, there seemed to be no reason to finance space research anymore. yet they kept sending the old shuttle out there until it broke.
i think it would be quite a step forward if mankind managed to conquer space, but there are some very strict physical limits that i'm afraid just won't allow other worlds colonization. :(

I think there are real possibilities for that to happen, but we're not seeing any of it, which is about the same thing as it not happening ;)
i will definetely see mankind walking on, say, mars and establishing a base there. prior to that, iss will be finished and some similar space stations will be built. i guess i'm around 50 something
Mars will have to change A LOOOOOOOOOOT to be able to take a massive number of humans so the race is safe...however, i think the universe could do without us ;)