That's awesome! I wish I cold say the same... I know many of us got really sick ths year. I managed to squeak by with just a sore throat, congestion, and dizzy spells. I hear a lot of people had respitory and sinus infections. :zombie:

It seems everyone is almost better, so if you still haven't gotten sick then I'd say you're in the clear. :cool:
I was taking 2 tablets a day of Airborne. a boost of vitamin C, Zinc and other good stuff for you. It's become a must for me when traveling!

If you have gotten sick...I hope you feel better soon:)
Dolamite S. Biffle said:
I am still sick I got a some kind of sinus thing, all I know is that I cough up way too much phelgm (spelling ?).


That was the worst part of what I had. It doesn't go well with working in a call center all day.. *croak*
Same here. I think part of it was psychological, in having to come back to boring ol' normal life.
After getting sick after PP and missing more work a few years ago, I now take everything I can get my hands on, starting months before the show. Vitamin C, zinc, echinacea, you name it, I take it. I also take that hand sanitizer stuff and carry a small bottle with me. I've missed the sickness the last two years. *knock wood*
I bought a gallon of Sunny D Fruit Punch at the nearby Kroger and went through it over the week. I also made sure I slept enough and ate balanced meals while up there. Unlike last year, I didn't get sick. Which means I haven't been sick for over a year! Yay!
I got the respiratory, nasal, no energy, dizy thing after the festival (my first PP, virgin no longer woo hoo). Seems to be a part of the annual trek but reading this, some of you have managed to defeat it. So, next year, I will take some vitamins :) And maybe have some screwdrivers (for the vitamin c). I doubt I will get any sleep (partying AND sleeping in a strange bed = no sleep) and I never eat properly - but vitamins (doh!) - I should have taken vitamins. Oh well, I'll be ahead of the game next year :)

manowarfan1 <cough>
sh0kr0k said:
That was the worst part of what I had. It doesn't go well with working in a call center all day.. *croak*

I feel your pain. I work in phone tech support and I had the Plague for over a week. But I think I'm finally over it.

I was sick going into PP, so my viruses say:

"All your nose belong to US!"

But seriously--lack of sleep has as much to do with it as the fact that we are all packed together like cattle for three days. Take your vitamins and try to sleep late every day, and you should come out of it all right.
Also, being packed in and moving around all day, one sick person can infect dozens. I mean, I don't even socialize much, but I figure I must have stood right next to about half the attendees at one time or another.
I had a tiny bit of a throat swelling thing or something for about a week after Prog-Power....not from yelling or anything though. Sounds like I was lucky. ;)