The Sigma Project - Reality Field


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
t's really rare when I get into an instrumental disc. I think the Joseph Magazine disc was the last one I cared about.

However, this is one of those. It's old-school 90's melodic prog with a big full lush/epic sound from Brazil.

Try the 17 minute track...

I bought mine off their bandcamp page:
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I do not listen to instrumental stuff as a main listening device but while working in the office I find I really do not pay excessive attention to the music that is playing other than....that is nice...So, I have found instrumental playlists quite nice to work to. This will make a very nice addition.
I purchased this the day it became available on cdbaby. It is excellent for those who love old school Dream Theaterish type prog without vocals. Highly recommended.
I have this one too, AMAZING music!!! is there a complete release? (jewel case + booklet), Mine came directly from the band and it's just like a promo CD...