Kingcrow's "Plegathon" is my #1 disc of the year thus far...


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
“Plegathon” is a progressive rock/metal masterpiece. It has firmly entrenched itself as my disc of the year so far. I honestly don’t see that changing at the end of the year either It's one of those rare discs that will stand the test of time and will still be in the player years from now.

Now do I have your attention? I haven’t had a new true prog disc move me like this since I first heard “Entropia” or Riverside's debut. It’s lush, atmospheric, and schizophrenic. They are all over the place in terms of sounds and styles, yet it works beautifully. I fell into a trance listening to this disc and was pissed when it ended. That’s a beautiful feeling.

My quick description is Fates Warning meets Riverside with the modern edge of Alice in Chains. My guess is that once Portnoy hears it, he may just take them under his arm like he has a few of our others that we helped cultivate from early on (Pain of Salvation, etc). There is just something about them that sets them apart from the ever slimming pack.

I’m not going to write a full review yet. However, I’ll give you my brief thoughts on what has been made public on the myspace page:

Islands- Fate vibe with some Celtic bits thrown in that have no business being there…and yet it kicks total ass.

Evasion- The most immediate song on the disc that could probably called a single. It's a bit simplistic compared to the other songs on the disc, but even that is beyond a lot of bands. The guitar leads are off the chart.

Fading Out Part III: Alice in Chains mixed with Psychotic Waltz. ‘Nuff said.

Numb- It’s hard to see the big picture in this 9 minute track from the 2:37 seconds you get here. However, you can hear a nice Pain of Salvation groove already.
I, of course, agree with Glenn on this; "Phlegethon" is fantastic.


Worldwide release date: May 17th 2010, Scarlet Records!
This is great! Definitely going near the top of my list of albums to get :headbang:

Edit: love that album art too
In order for me to stomach most prog there has to be a "song" and not just 15 minutes of showcased talent. I can probably count all the "prog" bands I like on one hand, well maybe 2 but I'd have fingers leftover.

Dream Theater? I like 2 albums so far. Threshold, I have most of their albums. You may see where I'm coming from now.

I'll be getting this Kingcrow, I liked everything I've heard so far (I think 5 songs).
Dumb question, is "Entropia" the bands name? Or an album title? If album, who released it so I can purchase?
It's been two weeks since I made my proclamation. I have listened to this disc at least once per day since then. It not only remains #1, but has solidified the position even further. It is impossible to get an idea of what the entire album sounds like from just one song. It differs waaaay too much from song to song.

New video:

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Same song....earlier video that has been out for a while...making of the album cover.

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Amazing disc !!!! Glenn played this for us non-stop during a visit recently and we kept on asking to hear it over and over again .....

This is like the effect that Haken has on me as well ..... nice "crossover" band that should appeal to many ......

I would dare to say that anyone who is missing their classic PoS should look here as well ......
I guess I was too lazy to give them a shot back when you first posted this, but this album sounds very promising. Just bought it today, can't wait for it to get here.
I trusted Glenns opinion on this disc and was not misled. Very strong disc! The 1st few minutes reminded me of a Pain of Salvation/ Pink Floyd feel...I'm still digging in to it, but it is as good as advertised...Thanks Glenn!!