The "Sir" In Sir Russel

He was there as of August, I know he wasnt knighting he was working on the production end, but he has been working there a hella long time.. My theory is that he just saves up his vacation time till they tour :)
I'm sure Russell could get permission to film a Symphony X vid there...or maybe someone could just sneak in a video camera and use Accolade II, or any other song, as a soundtrack to the battle. :) And then intersperse some concert footage so the other members are represented.
If your serious about a medival times vid, I'll be happy to edit the footage (as I'm a digital editor/graphic designer by trade)

since I don't live near the medival times (with your "sir russell" - however there is a medival times not 10 min from my house in CA), someone else would have to shoot the footage, but I'll be happy to edit together...

Throwing together a music vid for it would be really easy and fun... so let me know if anyone else is interested in putting it together..:)

Originally posted by mandaX
He was there as of August, I know he wasnt knighting he was working on the production end, but he has been working there a hella long time.. My theory is that he just saves up his vacation time till they tour :)

Seems you did not hear me. HE DON'T WORK HERE ANYMORE. OK he was there in August, sure, but it's finished. He told me that in October. Greets....
Originally posted by SarkOfAge
Uh... ??? What's that question ? I told you that he stopped working at the Medieval Times, never that he works in France -_- weird...

You said "HE DON'T WORK HERE ANYMORE". By saying "here" I figure it's the place where you're at. On your location it says "france", so...?
Originally posted by SarkOfAge
MandaX told us: "he has been working there a hella long time.." so when, you say "THERE", in the context of the post it means "at the medieval times".

My point is you said "HERE" instead of "THERE"
Getting beyond the point of the person actually being employed by medival times or not, if Russell was interested in throwing together a music vid using MT footage as a backdrop to their music, I think that would be a fun project to put together..

if anyone else out there is interested, let's do it.

Originally posted by †Russel Allen†®
Haha! Actually, I saw this restaurant in the movie "The Cable Guy", that one with Jim Carrey, and so...

But I thought that this restaurant was fake... but it wasn't and, it got me astounded 'cause I discovered that Sir Russel worked over there, and... that is just awesome!!! hehehehehe!!!

Haha, me too! I made a post here a few months ago about Symphony X's members' day jobs, only to find that Medievil Times really does exist! Unbelievable. Then I found out that the drummer in my band went to one when he was in the 'States. Haha.
Here in the UK, it's considered a bit nerdy to take part in medievil battle re-enactments, but live and let live, I suppose.

Hey, †Russel Allen†®, do you remember that announcer's voice? " medievil t-yiiiiiiiiimmmmmmes!!!"
His English accent is atrocious.
Well, there's a voice on the intro to Planet X's King of the Universe that sounds like the same dude! :lol:
Awesome movie, though!