the smell of Juney's poony


dumpster lover

alone I sit in the dumpster surrounded by memories of you Juney. Your bloodied day of the week panties can give me no solace without your touch of degradation. I fear that I may have fleas and I need my sick little smut monkey Juney to groom my twigs and berries. I am lost and alone without you.....has MM monkey-knapped you for her own sick bondage/filth endeavors? Where have you gone? What shall I do? I am a mere shadow of the man I used to be...woe is me....I have no more will to live and no longer care about the sabre toothed crotch critters that are tearing at my black swollen egg sack, I fear my scrotum is in deconstruction....
My poony is vinegary, remember we played with that vinegar malt sauce you got from that fish place you like? Juney likes your fishy smelling nuts and bolt. I am always with you dumpy, you know how hard it is for me to get to a computer. My arms are very tired from carrying my bags, hope your weekend was good without my love purse pulsating the warrior of wankery.
Ahh... MM? Mistress Masie? Dude, who the fuck are you, Jim Sheppard and Van Williams?