The Summer of Metal


In the Know
Feb 15, 2005
Has anybody else noticed that it is shaping up to be one of the best summers for Metal concerts... Manowar/Rhapsody, Hammerfall/Edguy, Megadeth/Dream Theater, & Judas Priest/Queensryche?!?
DeathDevil said:
Has anybody else noticed that it is shaping up to be one of the best summers for Metal concerts... Manowar/Rhapsody, Hammerfall/Edguy, Megadeth/Dream Theater, & Judas Priest/Queensryche?!?

Yes, my checkbook and credit card ran away together and are in hiding... :p

Fuckin a!!! its already starting for me. I got Soilwork/Dark Tranquility/Mnemic this week (hey 5 Swedish bands in one week, its a friggen record :loco: )

and the great Y&T friday night, woooot!!!!

Let's see: It has been and will be:
Chicago Powerfest
Sonata Arctica
BWBK festival
Strapping Young Lad (maybe they'll be the one that fails to make "the cut")
Rock Never Stops
Therion (if they tour w/ My Dying Bride)
Stratovarius (depending on who opens for them)
Saxon (this fall)
Soul Sirkus (1st ever show for the band)
And hopefully Davy Vain does some live stuff so I can fly to SF to see him!
since when is saxon coming over? finally? i havn't heard that until now. and everyone was saying this same crap last year. then it turned to shit. i won't get my hopes up too much for everything to come together. we all know metal tours in the US aren't exactly set in stone. nightwish for example.

ps: fuck nightwish. time to ditch her ass and look for a new fucking singer (honestly, drop her off the side of the road and tell her to fuck off and do her little opera thing if that's what she wants)
Nice attitude dude. Be sure to let us hear your great band when you get around to it. :Smug:

Saxon was supposed to be here next month but looks like Biff's house burnt down and the tour got cancelled. Not sure when its going to be rescheduled.

since when is nightwish tarja's band? there are far better female opera singers in europe. she's dicking the band around. she wants to do something else, but i think she just holds on to her job security with the project that actually puts money in her pocket. don't know how this got into a nightwish rant. i guess it was just on my mind. and about biff's house, i thought it wasn't going to affect much with the band touring.. i thought just a couple of european shows were cancelled and that was it. that sucks, i hate looking over saxon's tour dates every year all gloomy eyed. i still say priest/saxon/maiden would have been the greatest tour ever
SoNofBitcH said:
since when is nightwish tarja's band? there are far better female opera singers in europe. she's dicking the band around. she wants to do something else, but i think she just holds on to her job security with the project that actually puts money in her pocket. don't know how this got into a nightwish rant. i guess it was just on my mind. and about biff's house, i thought it wasn't going to affect much with the band touring.. i thought just a couple of european shows were cancelled and that was it. that sucks, i hate looking over saxon's tour dates every year all gloomy eyed. i still say priest/saxon/maiden would have been the greatest tour ever

Let's just put it this way. Nightwish is now a international hit band and they got their with the line up they have. I just want to know how you dump the lead singer in the band and just pick up where you leave off? Sorry only a few bands could pull it off and well and Nightwish has its winning forumla in my opinion, of course.You do not like her and thats fine.I see you had Tristania playing, see I dislike that band becuase of the vocals and the orchestrations, its all opinion.

LOL... My expensive metal summer is actually taking place in spring.

ProgPower ticket purchase day: April 2
Powerfest: April 8-9
Strapping Young Lad: April 14
Sonata Arctica: April 21
King Diamond/Nile: April 26th (which I can't even go to, because I had to pick and choose which shows to attend)
BW&BK: May 6-7
Manowar/Rhapsody: June 2