The Sunbird


Nov 21, 2007
Has anybody read Wilbur Smith's The Sunbird? Obviously Opeth felt a close enough to connection to the book to name the friggin band after the city which the story was based upon.
I read Mike didnt particularily enjoy anything about the book.

EDIT: It was in the FAQs.

Where does the name Opeth come from?

[From the Official Site] The name was taken from a book by author Wilbur Smith, and was originally spelled Opet without the "h" at the end. The meaning was unknown for me until I quite recently found the book myself, and got the knowledge that Opeth is the city of the moon. (The book is called 'Sunbird').
The Sunbird was alright. Nothing fantastic about it, really. Part two is, imho, far superior to part one. The whole thing felt a bit cheesy to me.

I don't mean for this to turn anyone away from the book, it wasn't /bad/, I just happened to think it wasn't great, either.
It's kind of weird to think that the people who came up with the name "Opeth" are no longer even in the band. Haven't been since, what, 1992 when Dave Isberg left?
It's kind of weird to think that the people who came up with the name "Opeth" are no longer even in the band. Haven't been since, what, 1992 when Dave Isberg left?

I found that the expression "weird" is way too much. It's strange, yeah but I don't think it's weird..
Probably the remaining ones during the days of Isberg's leaving thought the name sounded cool anyway.. surely sounds at least really mystic
:lol: @ semantics. Interesting, then? Just odd that no one currently in Opeth actually had a say in the name. There are no original members in the band.
The th feels unnatural for me to say since there´s no th-sounds in Swedish. Therefore i also mispronounce Therion,Theory In Practice,Atheist and so on :)
My first car was a sunbird. Good thing I didn't start listening to Opeth until after it broke down, or it might have in fact exploded with me inside!