The Sword - Age of Winters


Jailbait at it's finest!
Nov 26, 2006
Bumblefuck, NY
When I first listened to this band, their sound blew me away. I'm not a fan of doom metal, but when I got my hands on this album I was very impressed. I've given this album a 95/100 because although they have alot of potential, the vocals sound pretty much the same throughout the whole album. It's all the same pitch, basically; I like variety.

The sword mixes the sound of 80s Sabbath worship sound with a stoner vibe. This band may impress one who doesn't listen to much doom, it may not. Either way, the way the bass stands out and the guitar gallops in Iron Swan (a personal favorite of mine) just straight up tells you how creative they are.

Another thing about the Sword that I really like is that none of their instrumentals in any of their songs sound the same. I'm a huge fan of the sound of bass guitar, and they really make that stand out. Alot of the riffs are somewhat low, and they mix well with the alto vocals and solos.