Orkut is kinda like myspace, friendster, this kind of thing (its one more thing from google...). It is used mostly by brazilians (like 80% of the users), and a big part of its communities are devoted to porn.
Well, today we had a sessions, we would re-do some guitars. When i went downstairs to meet them, I found his 5150 at the beginning of the stairs. My eyes filled in tears (for the joy of recording a 5150 again after i did the stupid of selling mine a couple years ago and for the pain of carrying a 5150 COMBO on a very narrow stairway...Dude, how much that thing weights ? Like 50kg ? ).
So, we started setting up things, i connected his 5150 to my 2x12 (those stock 5150 speakers are too muddy!) with Celestions, i picked up my guitar and played some things. Wow, the 5150 has this nasty mid range thing that is just great. Btw, it was also the first time I was really going to use an amp i built, a Soldano clone.
For our luck, the gfriend / producer had not much to say this time, mostly because guitars were too loud all the time and as much as her voice is piercing, it cant beat two guitars amps

But she didnt stay with her mouth shut all the time...
We began to record things, everything went good (besides the guy´s playing...WTF every metal guitarist i record is great on leads but cant play a simple rythmn guitar ? At my time people would learn rythmn first...), and i decided to double track guitars with my amp. They were amazed at how things sounded punchy, and were more amazed when i told them i switched to my amp

At this moment i felt all the fights i had with my wife about this amp were worth it
So, between phrases like `baby, the previous take was more agressive´ when i was really playing this previous take and ´baby, can you make it sound more heavy metal?´ to a scorpions-ish ballad, everything went nice this time.
Today we´ll finish the last guitars and record some vocals and tomorrow is mixing