The "Things that Are Metal as Hell" thread...


Nov 1, 2001
Just an idea I had /forum/images/smilies/cool.gif Post what you think is either Metal OR related to metal, not what is just "cool" (ie. my Betty Boobs socks are sooo metal etc.) but something that's relating to the music we love so much. My pics:

Whiskey (all, prefferably Single Malt)
Fighting with your dog (not in a serious way)
Forests (oak or pine)
Leather bracelets
Chicks-in-battle-clothes Fetish /forum/images/smilies/evilgrin.gif
Full beards
Leather pants
Northern mythology
Bullnose piercings
Shaved balls
Beer bellies

Well, that's some of mine although I can probably think of much more. Your turn!
Fire! Fire! Fire!
Greasy hair
Pub Anchor :headbang:
Yelling things about "pure fucking satanic blasphemy" around 3:30 in a cabin on a ferry from Tallin so loudly that the security guards show up
Being hung over
pissing off the other hotel patrons with loud post-show shennanigans

Big boots!
(pre-ford) Volvo (it just is)
I agree with Big Foots, and Yeti
polar bear clubs
angry mountain men who live in Montana
Friedrich Nietzsche
Fyodor Dostoyevski
yelling at policemen in Mexico
a friend of mine, named Big T
drinking gravy
taking lots of naps
Leo Tolstoy
Karl Hungus from The Big Lebowski (Log Jammin)
and I almost forgot; Lifting Weights!

heheh volvo rules, i'm going to have a 760 turbo ...WAGON! sometime soon. /forum/images/smilies/biggrin.gif i bet it could smoke one of those shitty rice rocket craploads.. woudlnt that be hilarious? (i dont race though)

more things to add to the list:
black jeans
buckles and chains
hair (on head)
strong necks ;)
Ah , thats cool.
My small vicking girlfriend (I know,with the spring Im really romantic)
Religious/militar roman history (fucking oh yeah,it is really metal!The only reason are around black metallers inverting the cross is for we invented years ago to kill the unheathen ones!)
My death metal band Sucelius
My body(belly,beard and everything)
Meat,meat,meat and everything having to do with it.Every misunderstanding with it is good accepted!
Explorer guitar (the best!)
Mirto/Grappa/Sambuca/holy mess red wine
My collection of cutting weapons (axes,daggers,roman swords and spears)
New rock shoes
To spit fire using benz
To be drunk in the country at night
To be drunk by the mountains at night (Id prefer without wildboars near this time)
To scream like a beast without a reason , alone , with friends and even with my family if we are having dinner!
To brew every kind of destructive booze,I think Im near to invent dynamite!!!
To watch the sunset (I know,still the springtime)
Braveheart,Gladiator,Nightbreed and Highlander
Hey,even this forum and all the heavy drinkers who are in.WE RULE!!!
Everything everyone has posted is awesome. Especially the fucking Polar Bear Club. shit man, that's a GREAT one.

Guitars tuned so low the guitars may slip off the tuning machine,
real bone collections,
circular headbanging,
heavy rain/thunder storms (i live in florida, it's the closest to snow i get...)

and of course, my pit bull with his 24 inch head.
explorer is the best guitar shape in this fucking world!!!!!!!!!
norsk arsk blakk metal! RAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!
well death in general is quite metal :)

aslo cd/vinyl-collecting and trading
snow, wolfs (very metal if combined ;)), worn-out long sleeves with alomst invsiible print after years of use hehe
Some things just got to my mind:
merchandising(bandshirts, patches etc)
air guitar solos;)
collecting mania (I mean, the die-hard fans always want to have all records of their favourite band[I'm no exception]. Especially digipacks, special editions and dvd's are a must-have;):)) Fuck, Spaffe, why are you so fast;)? I wrote and you even finished with my idea!;) Shame on you:):)

NP: Iron Maiden - Wrathchild
Hmm lets see...

Polished steel
Axes (preferably big ones...)
Deep, dark and trollish woods
midievil weaponry!! battle axes and fucking swords and shit! maces!
MY guitar (im building it, its incomplete but in a month it will be finished, it is the most bad ass guitar shape you will ever see... you just wait!)
my old guitar
my old steel toe boots with big ass spikes attached to the toes!
bullet belts
pictures of disembowled dead things
disembowled dead things
dead things
troma movies
my band "UnacerouS"
bbq cook outs
the sound of dead people decaying
morticians and grave diggers
the casket and urn superstore (theres seriously a casket and urn superstore down the road from me! i took a band photo in front of it!)
and all kinds of other shit i cant think of right now

NP:manowar-swords in the wind