The "Things that Are Metal as Hell" thread...

hahaha i love this thread
<<<<<-----bandannas rule!!! except when theyre on axl rose, FUCK THAT BASTARD
my grim reaper bandana is metal and my skull/graveyard bandana is metal... but i dont wear them... there just on the wall....
and i almost forgot the most important
FADED METAL SHIRTS are probably the most metal thing out there!

damnit.. nike high tops were stolen from metal heads by gangsta rappers, look at Iron Maiden, Forbidden, Violence old thrash and much classic metal.. fuck, look at old show footage from the 80's
AxeOfDarkness said:
off a limb on a saw in shop class is metal!
the ultimate metal forums are metal!
SPAWN is metal (though hes a black guy who listens to rap, probably... but he fucking kicks ass and has a bad ass costume and some kickass action figures and shit, they decorate my room nicely!)

Yeah speaking of black guys, I forgot to mention that dude Caine (I think he's called that) from Highlander 3. muahahaha
As M. said brotherly doesn't get more metal than that! And Zombies are ten times more Metal than Vampyres cause they get all these Goth associations and such. Perhaps werewolves are the most metal creatures, big furry berzerkers.
gcele said:
Has anyone seen Event Horizon? They sew their eyes shut, kill each other and literally go to hell - THAT'S metal!

oho those scenes are nice where that guy speaks latin and holds his eyesballs in his hands :) really nice story as well, but it beeíng a scince-fiction flim i think stops it from beeing really metal.
Hey, Patric!Talking bout furies and beasts do you know the movie Nightbreed(in italy was out with the name Cabal)based on the book of Clive Barker?I think is it fucking cool!Peloquin rules!!!Check it out!
Someone knows if The Ring is a good one?
damnit.. nike high tops were stolen from metal heads by gangsta rappers, look at Iron Maiden, Forbidden, Violence old thrash and much classic metal.. fuck, look at old show footage from the 80's

hmmm.... you see.... nike hightops WERE metal!!! and at that i never like nikes anyway!

hey, it doesn't matter if she doesn't like Manowar, they were born to live forever-more!
by moon light we ride! ten thousand side by side! with swords drawn, held high! our wits and armor shine! hail to be our infantry! still brave beyond the grave! all sworn the eternal vough! the time to strike is NOW!
KILL KILL!!! :flame:
KILL KILL!!!:flame:
KILL KILL!!!:flame:
KILL KILL!!!:flame::rock:
As M. said brotherly doesn't get more metal than that! And Zombies are ten times more Metal than Vampyres cause they get all these Goth associations and such. Perhaps werewolves are the most metal creatures, big furry berzerkers.
yeah, vampires are to cool at all... but it depends on the way that it is portrayed kinda... and werewolves fucking kill!! kill kill!
pissing on Jesus!

knocking over tombstones
setting deadly booby traps on your teachers (dumb fuck teacher gave me a detention today cause i didnt have a cover on my textbook!! what the fuck! he never told us to get one and thats just a stupid fucking reason to give a detention... im gonna nail a decapitated horse head to the wall in the class and see what he thinks of that!)
Conserning ManOwaR, I find that they do have some really cool and good songs, like; Blood of my enemies, Hail and Kill, Blood of the Kings, Battle Hymns, Ride the Dragon and Power of thy sword.
But on the other hand the songs that they have written that are'nt that good, are extremely cheesy and horrible, a couple of examples; Pleasure Slave and the Warlord...
woo, i really enjoy that 'brotherly love' part that occurrs between metalhead strangers. one time i was driving in tijuana, mexico, and some guy was blasting 4 horsemen from his truck, and i was like, !
, and he smiled and was like, !
, and i didnt even look metal, i had just finished a construction project in the barrio, i had primer on my jeans and an old green tshirt on, no makeup or anything, it was cool.

meat is metal. i like mine rare, so it has that tangy slight taste of blood still :). i love animals! *pats tummy*
i prefer not to call it brotherly love... i call it more of a metal bond... cause that sounds kinda fruity..
but yeah. it is pretty cool, metalheads i see are always looking out for each other and stuff...(unless there sworn enemys for some reason or something like that)
I think in the metal world, a friendship can occur between two guys that is so fucking unique and beautiful...that's one of the best social aspects of my life and music, definatley...

And hey Sumerian, well I agree with you there that those chicken legs are very metal, along with big fat rare steaks with loads of potatoes and sauce. But you obviously haven't heard off Patric's Pizza, the most metal unhealthy shit there is and it's my invention! Hey, if interested I could send you the ingredients to you in my next E-Mail...