The "Things that Are Metal as Hell" thread...

Hey... sorry, we don't have a homepage for Zombie Destrüktion yet... it's just a little side project for me and the drummer of the band "Fall from Grace". We just recently decided to start this project, and we have only recorded some test stuff so far.. Ivan has done more for this band than the we have hehe ;)

Anyway, if you care to listen to a small test-song we recorded, go here

It's only 1 minute long, and written and recorded in an hour or something... Not mixed properly or anything, but hey, it's fucking splatter so who cares? ;)

Stay zombie!
Oh yeah... Sitting in school scratching out Band names/logo's into your copybooks and imagining being onstage at your school's talent-show after some bands shitty rendition of some Incubus song and playing something like Children of Bodom's Everytime I Die or perhaps Amon Amarth's The Last w/ Pagan blood etc...

And just imagining the faces of everyone when a 4 or 5 longhairs come out and dance around on their instruments with some skill while blasting out heavy as fuck metal at them... can you imagine the look on the faces of about 400 preppie/wigger kids when a few guys come out and play Death in Fire while doing hair rolls, especially when the double bass starts hammering their skulls in !!! raaggggh METALLLL!!!!!
old school nintendo games are metal! (with exception of a few)
blasting metal while the plumber is trying to fix your toilet is pretty metal! (the plumber was working in my bathroom today and i was blasting hate eternal in my room and he was getting all scared ha ha.....
Being a Blacksmith, like me, is also very metal and that's no pun intended.

Listening to Hypocrisy or Edge of Sanity while paying Simpson's Road Rage on your Gamecube likewise.

NP: Primordial-Spirit the Earth Aflame
Nefilim said:
Hey... sorry, we don't have a homepage for Zombie Destrüktion yet... it's just a little side project for me and the drummer of the band "Fall from Grace". We just recently decided to start this project, and we have only recorded some test stuff so far.. Ivan has done more for this band than the we have hehe ;)

Anyway, if you care to listen to a small test-song we recorded, go here

It's only 1 minute long, and written and recorded in an hour or something... Not mixed properly or anything, but hey, it's fucking splatter so who cares? ;)

Stay zombie!

Hey, I listened to Brains some minutes ago and it rocked, thanks. Where's that sample from anyway, some movie I might know of? Anyway, just to let you know that if you release something I'll be interested.

NP: Urkraft-Nord(Den Første Krig)
Hey again! Glad you liked the song, it's short and the sound is so-so, but it gives you an idea of the things to come (hopefully!). We're heading back into the studio in a few weeks to crank out some more shit, so I'll be sure to let you know as soon as we release our demo!

The sample is taken from the film "Return of the Living Dead" which is a great zombie flick, made a bit as a parody of Night of the living dead etc. Check it out if you haven't seen it!
Argh, haven't seen that movie! BUT soem of my all-time favorites of the Zombie category are Zombie Nosh, all Romero, City of the Living Dead, the Beyond, Top of The Food Chain, Evil Dead and Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things!

Yeah man, please let me know about the demo. So when shit starts to happen, my E-Mail is

PS: Are you as big a Necrophagia fan as me?
Ah, Patric, so I think you didnt miss Cannibal Holocaust wich is one of the movies who inspired the most necrophagias concept!My ex guitar player was a friend of Killjoy and it seems he has such a HUGE list of horror and gore movies!!!
It's really sad that I haven't seen Cannibal Holocaust, I've heard it is VERY sick. Have you seen the music video for Necrophagia's song by the same name? They show many clips there. I really know that Killjoy thinks horror movies are way better than sex!
They've got a video for that? Well it's a brutal song, where'd you find the video? I'll be buying some more Necrophagia at SMF today, prolly haven't got the latest but I'll look after that Legay one-
yes they've got one that's really sick and gory, it's about some guy who lives in a shed in the forrest and loves blood, then this young couple walks by his shed and he shoots them in a very bloody way, and then he fucks the womans corpse and then ejaculates over her body :)

i downloaded it from a dc-server, but i can't send it to you since my connection is restricted by a router :(
Back on topic: Saying "I like the old XXX" is very metal. All change is for the worse. Examples:
Correct: I like the old Mayhem.
Incorrect: Satyricons later albums are better than the early ones. (Doesn't matter if it's true or not, it's still incorrect.)

Also, varietes are allowed:
Correct: Dimmu Borgir haven't released a decent record since "Stormblåst".
Incorrect: Therion really have improved with time!

Following from this, listening to Cannibal Corpse is always correct ;)

Patric said:
yes, yes it is a very grim and kvlt lusekofta...
Aha! But is it frostbitten? That is what I wonder, it wouldn't be metal if it wasn't frostbitten.
spaffe said:
yes they've got one that's really sick and gory, it's about some guy who lives in a shed in the forrest and loves blood, then this young couple walks by his shed and he shoots them in a very bloody way, and then he fucks the womans corpse and then ejaculates over her body :)

i downloaded it from a dc-server, but i can't send it to you since my connection is restricted by a router :(

Oh yeah? That makes me think of various movies I've got in my collection...I'll look it up cause I'm really hot for that video.
I'm also very hyped cause I found their debut "Seasons of the Dead" today at SMF, and I thought that one was totally sold out!
Yeah, I know both the videos, they are really sick.
Bout Cannibal Holocaust I really suggest you to watch,just remember 1 thing:FAR from the meals as the instructions for the medicines say :loco: !!!Antropophagous is pretty interesting too...
Yeah, someone told me that they butcher real animals in that film! I know also there's this movie called Cannibal Ferox which should also be very sick. But the sickest of all is Men Behind the Sun, some friends I have wanted to go to therapy after that one! Not a zombie movie, but one of my favorite horrors are Deranged.

NP: Deceased-The Silent Creature
I have Cannibal Ferox too but after C.H. is nothing!Yeah,many people believe and think real animals(monkeys,turtles,pigs and a strange kind of big mouse)are killed in the movie (in the beginning was this legend that the director stolen dead bodies from an hospital to film certain parts of the movie!)and if they arent,well,they are made in a REALLY realistic way!Men behind the sun?What is about?
Ok. so Cannibal Ferox is shit compared to Canninal Holocaust? Well, I'll go to Rock Uglen (the best place for all kind of movies like this which you can't find anywhere else) and I know they have C.H! My no. 1 favorite movie is Evil Dead! And the most beautiful one I have is Dellamorte Dellamore. Men Behind The Sun is a really terrible (like other Asian horror) movie about War torture camps, where they get kicked in a bowl of acid etc. etc. Have you seen Bloodsucking Freaks? Or Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things?