The "Things that Are Metal as Hell" thread...

Roller coasters are metal....
a good part of evil super heros are metal
ghost rider is metal
all animals that have horns are metal
old school video games are metal
volcanoes are metal... along with most natural disasters...
spaffe said:
is it a "lusekofta"? if so it's very tr00 /forum/images/smilies/smile.gif

Hahahah....yes, yes it is a very grim and kvlt lusekofta...

Also, ghost rides at Tivoli's and such are metal. I've been really obsessed with them since I was 8.

And last night's dream of tongue-kissing with the drummer, forget it :zombie:
Patric said:
Hahahah....yes, yes it is a very grim and kvlt lusekofta...

Also, ghost rides at Tivoli's and such are metal. I've been really obsessed with them since I was 8.

And last night's dream of tongue-kissing with the drummer, forget it :zombie:

hehe you better find some old forest and corpse paint to go with that kofta/cardigan ;)

perhaps a bit metal but not "metal as hell" hehe and who was that lucky drummer? :) come on tell us
Patric said:
Hahaha...I can tell you so much that he is NOT in Amon Amarth *cough* Koldborn *cough*

i know the picture i kind of bad, but this guy? :D haha was he good? ;)

btw great (new?) signature you've got there
Hahah yes, but go to Live pictures and see him without nada shirt on wooohooo....And yes, he was excellent, what a soulful beautiful dream ummmmmmm...

Thanks, I took the sig from "Top of The Food Chain", the most HILARIOUS movie I've ever seen...check it out!

NP: God Dethroned-Gods of Terror
Well I doubt you could find it in any sucky mainstream video store, I was lucky enough to find it at this place where they sell all unwanted videos for a really low price. Where are you planning to download it?
Saying stuff like "Hails" and "Infernal Hails"
Old Pickup trucks with band stickers everywhere and more money in the speakers than in the truck...

Ripped up Jeans, Leather Biking Jackets, White & Black grease paint, Whiskey & Weed, Long assed hair (the longer the more metal), Denim sleeveless jackets with a bigassed backpatch of 'the trooper' style eddie, Anything having to do with thrash, especially guys in tightassed rolled jeans and white hightop reeboks with tattoos all over their arm and a grimace that would make a lesser man piss himself...

...sitting on a bus looking pissed off in a Darkthrone shirt... while listening to Edguy XD
Patric said:
Well I doubt you could find it in any sucky mainstream video store, I was lucky enough to find it at this place where they sell all unwanted videos for a really low price. Where are you planning to download it?

well i'll check out some direct connect-hubs, and see if i can find something, could be hard if it's that obscure tho... :|

LunarTower said:
...sitting on a bus looking pissed off in a Darkthrone shirt... while listening to Edguy XD

hehe yes both of them, especially the last one :D

btw that picture you've got in your sig is really metal as well, it's the new Månegarm-cover right?
ColdDarkNord said:
Hey, guys, I just finished new front cover design. Don't u think this "Metal as Hell" shit?:)


Oh shit Ivan, you're the best! And I buy ANYTHING with "Zombie" in it, so perhaps I should check this out! Corpse Vomit....any homepage? I'm a very big fan of Splatter/horror movies you see...and Necrophagia RULES!