The "Things that Are Metal as Hell" thread...

Icelandic horses, ravens, bison oxes (and those from Greenland) are the most Metal animals to me.

As for viewing pleasure, it doesn't get more metal than Evil Dead, Deranged, City of The Living Dead, TX Chainsaw Massacre, The Exorcist, The Beyond and tons of more in my video collection which I can't remember right now...
Concerning movies, what about Conan the Barabarian, now thats a Metal movie!
Men with big swords and half naked women :)
Check out those two really raw Iceland movies "Korpen Flyger" I think it's called. That's no Hollywood cheese factor there, I've heard it's quite brutal! There's this Danish movie called "Den Sidste Viking", haven't seen it though but it could be blast.

Yeah Last of The Mohicans and these Indian movies I like too. Or Indian culture in general, with all their Spiritual beliefs and warrior aspects.

This is also the most Metal place in town if you're into art: Oh man, I'll be spending a fortune after my birthday in May...phew...
Aggressor, Conan the Barbarian is a purely metal movie. I was going to post that just before I saw your comment. I listen to the sound track and watch the movie religiously. All Hails to that!
I agree with you two, Conan the Barbarian rocks! I saw it when I was a kid and it really blew me away. Fact is that in 30 minutes I'll see one of the most Metal TV-shows in existance, TALES FROM THE CRYPT:rock:
woo conan, i love the part where a camel brays at him, so he lets out a big hearty laugh he socks the camel in the head, wherupon it falls to the ground and groans in agony.


horses hm... how about fresians? theyre always pitch black with the feathering on their feet, and long mane and tail, very spooky... and the large draft breeds are very viking!

the sound of dead people decaying
what does that sound like?
Paying Alimony
tank tops
the horns \m/
Smashing windsheilds
Destroying nativity scenes
Shaking your fist
Nike high tops
Sneaking whiskey into a show via a coke bottle
Bedroom walls covered in fliers
hundreds of cds but a crappy sterio system
nike high tops arent metal! unless the say "Fuck michael jordan and fuck rap!" on them... ane even then they still arent metal unless they got metal patches on them! and then there still nikes so there not metal...(but thats my opinion...which is right)

cutting off a limb on a saw in shop class is metal!
the ultimate metal forums are metal!
SPAWN is metal (though hes a black guy who listens to rap, probably... but he fucking kicks ass and has a bad ass costume and some kickass action figures and shit, they decorate my room nicely!)

the sound of dead people decaying.... i actualy meant dead things (as in people and animals etc.. but whatever)... that would be a sound like no other..... its the sound of......
oh i get it... the sound of silence, right? i was thinking of undead zombies groaning as they rise from their graves to FEAST ON YOUR BRAINS! or something. yeah that reminds me, the undead are metal! wraiths, zombies, phantoms (and dare i say, vampires?) and haunts.
newrock boots are metal, yay cadarn!
black eyeliner
the full moon
brotherly love
i'm sure someone already said biker jackets, but i'm saying it again just in case it was missed
and the lyrics to most all viking songs are metal as hell!!
except some thyrfing songs which are kinda dumb like that over the hills and far away bull shit! and some other bands...
manowar lyrics are most bad ass along with amon amarth!

we are sons of odin
the fire we burn inside
is the legacy of warrior kings
who reign above in the sky
i will the lead the charge
my sword into the wind
sons of odin fight
to die and live again
viking ships cross the sea
in cold wind and rain
sail into the black of night
magic stars our guiding light

manowar-swords in the wind
eeeeeeeeeeew, manowar! they arent close to amon amarth in anything, let alone badass-ness.
more brutal = more metal
needs more violence, like the sound of 8 hooves or

Blasting forth with rage in our war-eyes
We burn with hate
Cut our way through hordes of weak christian flesh
Cast them into death

and isnt over the hills and far away originally a led zepplin song anyway?

nike never was and never will be metal, theyre an icon of the gangsta-rap subculture. maybe you meant converse hi-tops ?
haha of course i love iron maiden
manowar is sooooooo cheesy!!
all they ever sing about is how great they are, how great metal is, or some other random crapola about being pagan or bikers or something badass-sounding that makes them look more metal.

When we're in town speakers explode
We don't attract wimps 'cause we're too loud
Just true metal people that's Manowar's crowd

how can anyone possibly take them seriously? they crack me up!
i dont think over the hills... was a zeppelin song... but even if it was the way thyrfing sung it was the gayest thing i ever herd.
and manowar is bad ass! you just obviously dont know much about them!
haha then enlighten me. i love how when someone has a different personal taste than somebody else they are 'wrong'

& about othafa i dunno, somebody said that some where, im not a zepplin fan. nightwish also did a cover of it.
they dont sing about random stuff!
its about how cool it is to be metal and about barbaric warrior/viking shit! and sometimes about how there music kicks ass but..... that kicks ass! but you dont have to like them....
but atleast you like maiden so thats good!