The Thrash Metal corner


The Evil Thrasher
Mar 30, 2005
Bologna, ITALY
Hi guys,
I have a proposal for every Thrash maniac around here. I think this forum is the best place to share opinions and suggestions concerning bands from all around the world, so why don't we use this topic to talk about unknown or new thrash metal acts from our country? I'm from Italy, and I can certainly provide many names you haven't heard before, or simply read on a webzine: I'm not talking about Necrodeath or Bulldozer (I hope you know this bands), I'm referring to good demo-bands who will never (probably) play abroad, though being killer combos! Understood?
My proposal is to join this topic and suggest your favorite fellow-country bands, in order to share opinions and improve your knowledge and (maybe) your collection!
Demo-bands or debut album-bands only are preferred, but if you think you have to post a good band who is totally unknown outside your country even if it released a great number of albums, no problems! In any case a brief description and possibly a web-link are recommended ;)

If you find this odd or useless I won't worry. Otherwise, let's start thrashing this forum! :headbang:

Great idea.

Good Swedish UG thrash bands:
Hypnosia (a bit more well-known)
Lethal (yes, my band) and new song here
Necrovation (technically death metal I guess but really old school)
Retribution (also more DM)
The Law

Good guys, I'll check those bands as soon as possible. It's great to read some names I already knew, like Atomizer, Ballistic and so on. Hobbs Angel Of Death is cult!

Here are some underground thrash bands from Italy:

Death Mechanism : if you love Sodom's Agent Orange check out their demo-cd, entitled Necrotechnology. Fast old-school thrash metal in the vein of German Gods: click here for some mp3 clips

Warmonger : another old-school influenced band, sometimes similar to Destruction. They don't have an official website, but you can download some songs here. Solid thrash metal!

Now I'm really busy, but I'll post new names in some days. See ya guys!
Heathen has been owning me as of late, but I'm sure any serious thrash fan (or any serious METAL fan for that matter) already knows about them.
Pyrus said:
Check out Imagika from the SF Bay Area, they have an official forum on UM. Thrash with a classic/power tinge, great live band.

Imagika is a really cool band, there's a bunch of fans in Italy! I'd love to see them live, but I think I have to get on a plane and come to San Francisco :tickled:
Snowblind said:
Heathen has been owning me as of late, but I'm sure any serious thrash fan (or any serious METAL fan for that matter) already knows about them.

You're right man! Heathen is one of the most underrated band of the Eighties, it's a shame they released only two albums before splitting. Their best effort is Victims Of Deception in my opinion, but also Breaking The Silence is a great release! What do you think of the last collection of covers, demo tracks, etc?
I'm waiting for the next masterpiece!
Exumer said:
You're right man! Heathen is one of the most underrated band of the Eighties, it's a shame they released only two albums before splitting. Their best effort is Victims Of Deception in my opinion, but also Breaking The Silence is a great release! What do you think of the last collection of covers, demo tracks, etc?
I'm waiting for the next masterpiece!

theyve actually reunited for a few shows. i know they have been playing the bay area in the past 6 months. i dont know how permanent it is though

"I know I shouldn't eat thee..."

Anyway, I know there's an assload of good thrash at, but it's going to take me weeks to figure out which albums are worth listening to.
Erik said:

Ok Erik, I started ckecking out your list with these two bands. Both really cool, I have to say.
Your band looks like a good mix of old-school european thrash and At The Gates, do you agree? The only thing I didn't like while listening to Deliverance was the singer, expecially during the main verse. The rest is very good, starting from the guitars (your instrument I suppose), really crushing! I'll look out for further releases.
Dauntless Death are also very good, I can't understand why they're still unsigned. One more time, thanx for the links!