the tired thread

i'm like, moderately tired but not exhausted. i actually slept last night, but only because i got a serious stomach ache around 1 am and barfed and nausea and barfing always exhausts me.
I had some awful greasy-ass thai noodles last night that made my first 4 hours of work fairly painful/uncomfortable. I actually considered puking, it was that bad.
when i was in SF i made the grave error of trying to get food really late somewhere in the richmond area. i was like sooooo sick i had to lie on the couch and stare at the cats for a few hours.
also, avi if you could like find me a job + an apt while you're there i'd appreciate it k thnx.
sorry, I'm out of the loop. I think my ex company is hiring (where I'm currently contracting), but I dunno if it's anything you'd want to do. as for housing, I ain't got shit. sorry.