the trouble with rice cakes as an at-work snack

my advice would be to try brown rice cakes. they weigh about twice as much (and have twice the calories and cost more), but they fill you up way better. i have three tubes of them in my desk right now.

also, peanut butter.
josh: they have kamut cakes that are yummy too. but the best snacks are like dried apples and stuff, can you have those? or dried cranberries. yummalicious.
ok josh this is what i have in my desk at all times:

brown rice cakes
peanut butter
dry roasted peanuts
white raisins
dried pears
dried apples
one other dried fruit, either cranberries or cherries or dark raisins usually
bacony BacOs

and in the fridge i keep several kinds of hummus and box/cartons of potato-leek soup

now, sans peanuts and raisins...? you like pitas and hummus?
i have been hopelessly addicted to those white cheddar popcorn cakes since college. i can eat a whole bag like it's nothing- and they're like $2 or more a bag.

and shelled salted peanuts + decent but cheap beer = AWESOME.
actually, i must add my original thought on reading the subject here:
the trouble with eating rice cakes/popcorn cakes is that they are WAY TOO CRUMBLY. i always want some in the car after i buy them, and they get everywhere. i must be stopped.