The Tumncension t-shirt!


Regardless, to dispel any myths, I am, indeed, female.

But, I would buy a shirt, because I think it's a great way to publicize the band. The design sparks conversation, which will, without a doubt, lead to a discussion on the nature of Bloodbath, or at least metal, in general. Only good comes from it.
alright alright! im the retard! sorry for the annoyance. i will take my posts elsewhere. i didnt know people took online forum posts this seriously.
ahahah, I like it !, but Tumn.. It need bloods.. You should put blood around the ''We Summon The Almighty One''. It would be great ahah, but you had a fuckin great idea hehe
Haha, great idea :lol: :notworthy

But we need also the Bloodbath-Logo and a subtitle like "An initiative of the Bloodbath-community".

Then I would buy one, too :)