The Tunnels under Paris

I have always been fascinated by the miles of old tunnels under Paris but this story is spooky cool.

(from the ever cool

Underground movies

I'm disappointed that I missed catching a flick in a secret cinema/restaurant below the streets of Paris. Police discovered the theater--complete with electricity, CCTV security, and phone lines--within an uncharted cavern in the city's 170 miles of tunnels and caves. According to The Guardian, a full-size screen and projector had been installed and police found "a wide variety of films, including 1950s film noir classics and more recent thrillers." A stocked bar and "pressure-cooker for making couscous" was also discovered.
Three days later, when the police returned accompanied by experts from the French electricity board to see where the power was coming from, the phone and electricity lines had been cut and a note was lying in the middle of the floor: "Do not," it said, "try to find us."​
Alex, has uncovered the Kerry/Edwards tentative whitehouse floor plan
The only stories I know of about the catacombs involve sneakin' in, drinking stupid amounts of cheap wine and smokin' even stupider amounts of bad Parisian hasch.
La Carte

- plain couscous
- couscous and brick
- couscous and electricity
- couscous and 50s noir movie
- couscous and theater
- couscous and security camera
- couscous and security camera w/electricity
- couscous and wide variety of films
- couscous and pressure cooker
- couscous and stocked bar
- couscous and electricity lines

I don't post much on this forum. Essentially, I 'm a fish out of water here. I'm not much of a metal fan nor metal musician. I came here because of Mia. And was invited to post by Meghan. That said, I will also say that I've been an Urban Explorer most of my life. And it is this fascination for the inner workings of things that has brought me to this. Unfortunately, I've never been to Paris. Not yet. But I've done the sewers in Weston, Wayland, Newton, Framingham, Northampton, Bad Boll (Germany) and some in Shenyang (China). And I have to tell you folks, you've seen nothing till you explore the sewers in China. I have stories to tell you folks...maybe I shouldn't. :ill:

Beg me and I'll consider it.
lizard, these links you presented were opened in my Mozilla browser all day at work and I barely perused them at 4:56pm before skinning out for the day, but they KEPT ME ALIVE the whole 8-9 hours of suckdom I faced per usual weekday.

So I thank you.
I'm sure there are many more. I've always been fascinated by ruins and caves and such. In berchestgarden my dad and I trespassed on a golfcourse to find the ruins of Hitler's tea house. We had to navigate through the ruins of a former SS barracks and underground pistol range but it was worth it.

this site is also cool, and not nearly as far away: