The turks are on the march..

You have about 1 relative marrying their cousin every few days?
Well, I guess Virginians have some competition.

I have about 1 relative marrying someone non-related to them every week or so (7 days is only a few days, I didn't mean every other day..). The difference between Algeria and the US is that in the US you wouldn't hear about a relative who is only related to you by a great great grandparent, but in Algeria you get to know your entire family, not just direct uncles, aunts, cousins, etc, but cousins, nephews/neices, etc, that are related by 3-4+ generations back (which is why I hear about all the weddings, events, etc..)
I was in Incirlik, Turkey and A.) it was fucking sandy because it was blowing around in the air, and 2.) It was as humid as fucking jungle.

NOW, maybe the humidity seemed a bit much because I just left dry ass Iraq, so I could be wrong, but it was sandy. I also know that Turkey isnt like Saudi, just sand dune after sand dune. So I wasnt on the Greek coast side where I am sure it is nice.

It was green there, and it was the first green I had seen in months which was nice.

I kinda wish the Sultan-caliphs still ruled the middle east from Istanbul, like they did before 1918.

The caliphs were mortal enemies of all those rabid wahhabi fuckers, whose descendants are blowing themselves up left and right these days.

There wouldn't be an Israel for the fanatics to complain about.

Saddam Hussein and his baath butt-fuckers would either be selling melons in the Tikrit market place, or be executed by the Turks for being an outlawed political terror group.

Most of the oil in the middle east would be in Turkish hands, since they used to own Al Hasa, which contains nearly all of the Saudi oil reserves.

The Saudis would still be a backward bunch of nomads practising their mad desert islam, while the unimaginably wealthy Ottoman princes would be the ones blowing wads of cash all over the place.

Dubai would be around. Its never been Turkish.

Iran would be around. But there wouldn't have been an Iraq-Iran war. Because Iraq would just be three vilayets of the Ottoman empire.

Algeria was taken from the sultans in 1830, so unfortunately, that land of wedding massacres would also be around today.

All in all, the old "Sick Man of Europe" is like a fantastic paradise! At least, compared to the fucked up shit in the middle east since the Sick Man died.


As someone who visits Turkey every year.. that was an Awesome Post !!! :kickass:

Although I cant blame Ataturk for trying to set an Example to the Muslim world by Turning Turkey into a modern Secular State...

For that post you get an Awesome Picture of the Ottoman Army on the March ! :) :-

As someone who visits Turkey every year.. that was an Awesome Post !!! :kickass:

Although I cant blame Ataturk for trying to set an Example to the Muslim world by Turning Turkey into a modern Secular State...

For that post you get an Awesome Picture of the Ottoman Army on the March ! :) :-


That illustration is great! Does it commemorate victories over the rebels under Lawrence of Arabia (assuming those are Arabs) or crushing rebellious Bulgarians underfoot? Reason I'm wondering is because the fez is not official WWI head gear.

Dude, it was hot as balls and as sweaty as an ass when I was there. Maybe its from the zero humidty I suffered at the hands in the middle eastern desert wastelands. Im not knocking Turkey one bit mind you! I encourage their border excursions to wipe out the kurdish terrorists. I see turkey doesnt want a huge refugee problem that Jordan/Syria has.

Incirlik reminded me of this quote.

[Holding the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch]
King Arthur: How does it... um... how does it work?
Sir Lancelot: I know not, my liege.
King Arthur: Consult the Book of Armaments.
Brother Maynard: Armaments, chapter two, verses nine through twenty-one.
Cleric: [reading] And Saint Attila raised the hand grenade up on high, saying, "O Lord, bless this thy hand grenade, that with it thou mayst blow thine enemies to tiny bits, in thy mercy." And the Lord did grin. And the people did feast upon the lambs and sloths, and carp and anchovies, and orangutans and breakfast cereals, and fruit-bats and large chu...
Brother Maynard: Skip a bit, Brother...
Cleric: And the Lord spake, saying, "First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin. Then shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in my sight, shall snuff it.
Brother Maynard: Amen.
All: Amen.
King Arthur: Right. One... two... five.
Galahad: Three, sir.
King Arthur: Three.
That illustration is great! Does it commemorate victories over the rebels under Lawrence of Arabia (assuming those are Arabs) or crushing rebellious Bulgarians underfoot? Reason I'm wondering is because the fez is not official WWI head gear.


hey since you're interested :kickass:

you are correct of course, the Fez was not issued headwear in world war 1. and was altogethor banned by Ataturk after the creation of the Republic.

this depiction is probably just pre world war 1.. depicting wiping out the spates of nationalism in the hinterlands of the Empire..

Ataturk :- Father of the Turks as an Ottoman Commander in the world war 1 Uniform & Turkish war of Independence Uniforms :-


He is shown here in one of the uniforms he wore at Gallipoli. Though he was a Colonel attached to the General Staff, his uniform is typical of most officers in the field at the time. His pistol is the Mauser model 1910 in the caliber of 6.35mm. He is wearing the Imtiyaz (distinguished service) medal in gold, the Liyakat (merit) medal, also in gold. He has two ribbons of the Turkish War medal, issued twice.


Reviewing Arab Militia in Trablus (Libya 1911) wearing the Caucaus style Turkish "Kafkas". Awesome Ottoman Junior officer uniform.
Los Magandos, Jurched, Evil Dead. You folks seem to know what you are talking about in terms of history outside of the US. Where did you pick this knowledge up? What books are you reading? If you say you learned it 'cause you paid attention in school, I will know you are full of shit.

Los Magandos, Jurched, Evil Dead. You folks seem to know what you are talking about in terms of history outside of the US. Where did you pick this knowledge up? What books are you reading? If you say you learned it 'cause you paid attention in school, I will know you are full of shit.


i love reading man !! especially history, stuff I have personal interest in. Just to kind of understand the way shit happened.. I follow this forum a lot, but Jurched seems to be the most well rounded in terms of overall International history. I only really take a HUGE interest in British and Turkish history.