The U.S. of A.


Nov 19, 2001
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Will the rest of the world continue allow this rebel behemoth to break every international law and agreement? Will the rest of the world sit back as we kill more innocents, further destabilize and fanaticize an already problematic region, and promote nuclear deterance for our enemies (Iran and North Korea). Will the rest of the world sit back while this behemoth makes its own incredibly hypocritical moral imperatives and ethics on the fly, and issues directives and imperatives that flaunt the power of its own constitution and form of democratic government?

When is enough enough? When will citizens of this country wake up? Are we Americans too happy we are the behemoth breaking all the rules, and thus strangely filled with a bizarre and malicious patriotic pride that we can do whatever we want? Do Americans actually believe they are a chosen people?

Who will stand up first? Americans or the rest of the world? Will it be terrorists with nuclear or chemical bombs? Rogue states forced to use such weapons against us? Nations standing together economically and politically against us? Or Americans finally exterting their will for change?
the rest of the world havn't just sat back. 11/9 for instance. The countries close to the USA will just sit back, because they are too afraid of what would happen to them if they resisted in some conspicuous way.
Sadly i don't think many people in the USA will ever wake up.
Watching the news today and seeing those Enron execs being put away just showed me this. Even when they were said to be guilty, one was still praising God and saying god knew what was right and that god would let those who did the right thing continue. The other acted as if he was shocked when he was found guilty.
One actually believed that what he did was acceptable and that effectively he would have had God's backing!
If this is how a lot of americans think, or more importantly those in charge of coporate america, can we really expet the place to wake up.
We capitalism gone mad, and christian fanatics trying to spread their ideas and get into politics. I can only see it getting worse.
I think the idea that America is the Chosen Land and it's people the Chosen People has been engrained in the American personality since it's conception. See Manifest Destiny as my prime example.

The sheer scope of time would seem to dictate that America will fall, and the world shall enter another cycle of it's existence. The problem may be awful, but it is transient.

To be honest though, the thought of another Bush (i.e. Jeb) entering office on a ticket based upon lies and the manipulation of a core support does make me sick.
I think its mostly the media thats stirring up all of this junk. Now I admit, sometimes I do question my countries motives, but what the fuck can I do, I'm caught up in something that I can't control. It's not that the people in america are bad, its our ruling class thats fucking it up and making us look bad.
You all talk as if the entire population of the U.S. is one big entity, and as if the entire population is the ones who want to go to war and break every international treaty that ever existed. The only people who are guilty of that are the people in Congress who are aproving these acts just to fatten their wallets, and George Bush, who declared War on Iraq, for the sole purpose of finishing what his father started. The majority of the U.S. population is against what the government is doing, and constantly makesnote of that. Nobody wanted to go to Iraq and fight for the gods know what, just like nobody wanted to go to Vietnam and fight for the gods know what. I don't mean to disrespect your opinions, nor do I intend to, but before you all talk about the U.S. breaking international laws and stuff, be more specific and say teh U.S. Government.
Deathscythe1911 said:
I think its mostly the media thats stirring up all of this junk. Now I admit, sometimes I do question my countries motives, but what the fuck can I do, I'm caught up in something that I can't control. It's not that the people in america are bad, its our ruling class thats fucking it up and making us look bad.

Its because people tend to forget that those people work for YOU not the other way around. I mean it is odd that there are many Americans, but only a certian few from certain families and organizations become presidents. I mean the fact that Kerry and Bush were cousins and were both in Skull and Bones at Yale. To think that there are 2 different parties in America any more is quite insane because they are both corrupt and they both do the same things.

Why don't good honest people get to be president? Im pretty sure its because the corrupt ones take in tones of money from lobbiest so that they can have a campaign. It would make more sense if it was government sponsored and the ammount of money able to be spent was capped.

In reality, the only thing rich beurocrats care about the poor is how they can exploit them for more $$
I just hate it when people speak of the US as being greedy and bad as a whole. I mean you'd think there'd be a few good people. It really isn't our fault the way our government is. Even if we are a democracy, once the president wins an election, they pretty much are free to do as they please. I may be poor, southern white trash, but at least I would try to hold my values if I was elected to office...
Krigloch the Furry-ass said:
I still think that something very band needs to happen to this country.

politicians get away with whatever they want, its time for that to stop!
Something very bad DID happen. 9/11. Huricane Katrina.

Everyone just move to Canada.
I keep hearing people saying that not all of americans are bad people, and that it is the politicians who are doing all the wrong.

Well guess what....they got voted into their positions BY the people!

They might do things a lot of people disagree with but at the end of the day 50% of voters went for Bush in the last election some some people obviously thought he was a good choice.
And if people moan that they are lied to by the politicians, or the mass media tries to swing their votes...then look beyond the mass media for info on these voting choices.
More people in the last election seemed interested in what colour shirt the candidate wore than what they actually cared about in terms of policies.

If you vote with your eyes closed all the time you can say it's not your fault when a corrupt madman gets inot power.
Like Silver Incubus said already, they work for YOU...not you work for them.
It is fairly accurate to say that the majority of American people hold some odd belief - even if only in the subsconscience - that America IS some sort of "divine land" chosen by God, etc ad nauseum.

The simple fact of the matter is this: the Republican party has been co-opted by the "religious reich" over the course of the past 15 years. These folks are generally enemies of democracy and the supposed ideals of America's founding fathers.

A great read on the subject is "American Theocracy" by Kevin Phillips, a Republican. In the book, he details how the party has fallen to shit and how it's been overrun by anti-democratic, fundamentalist Christian monsters fully intent on expanding American hegemony.
The US government is supported by a large core support, all happy to go to war...all happy to blow the shit outta some sand my pals. You cannot blame it entirely on a government, because the mandate is given by the people.
Lord SteveO said:
I keep hearing people saying that not all of americans are bad people, and that it is the politicians who are doing all the wrong.

Well guess what....they got voted into their positions BY the people!

They might do things a lot of people disagree with but at the end of the day 50% of voters went for Bush in the last election some some people obviously thought he was a good choice.
And if people moan that they are lied to by the politicians, or the mass media tries to swing their votes...then look beyond the mass media for info on these voting choices.
More people in the last election seemed interested in what colour shirt the candidate wore than what they actually cared about in terms of policies.

If you vote with your eyes closed all the time you can say it's not your fault when a corrupt madman gets inot power.
Like Silver Incubus said already, they work for YOU...not you work for them.
I understand what you're trying to say, but there's still something else you have to understand about Americans as a whole. We don't mean to vote in corrupt people We only try to do what we think is best for the interest of the nation. Americans are idiots. They're idiots who never really mean to do harm, but keep falling into it, because they don't realize what they're doing.
Ptah Khnemu said:
I understand what you're trying to say, but there's still something else you have to understand about Americans as a whole. We don't mean to vote in corrupt people We only try to do what we think is best for the interest of the nation. Americans are idiots. They're idiots who never really mean to do harm, but keep falling into it, because they don't realize what they're doing.

The same is true of voters in every country. It's only when things get so bad that people are eating out of bins that they might start to take a personal interest in who they elect as a leader. Isn't it true generally that "people get what they deserve" politically speaking? The majority of people give their consent to their government by cooperating with it.

The strange thing is that if a tyrannical foreign power invaded America, Britain or any other western nation, people would form a resistance and start doing things ranging from passive non-cooperation to cutting down powerlines or planting bombs. Yet they allow an elected tyranny that is every bit as bad for their country to get away with ridiculous injustices. The trick is the semblance of democracy. This prevents a mass resistance from gathering much strength. The semblance of democracy makes it harder to show that a dictatorship exists, harder to expose it, harder to remove it. No one rebels against not being free when they think they are free.