The Ultimate Photo Challenge Thread!


Aug 30, 2001
If you have a camera you should play along! This randomly popped into my head a while back and I finally got motivated to try it. Check it:

Grab your camera and take a picture from right where you are sitting RIGHT NOW. If you have to, go get your camera and come back to where you are sitting (or standing). Without re-arranging anything, take the coolest picture you can and post it. You can change the lighting if you can reach it from where you're sitting :D


OK now u go!
Took ages to actually get it focused right, considering that in order to obide by the rules I had to sit in my chair and hold my camera in front of the computer fan without being able to look through the viewfinder :p

Awesome Swabs! It looks like a propane camping stove burner or something. Excellent!