The Ultimate Photo Challenge Thread!

I used to have this in the back of my fish tank:

Throw in a favorite snack, what your drinking, and the computer, and call it, "Hanging' with the homies." :D yeah!

I really like that thought. Mine would involve coffee. Any time I'm here, that coffee is also here.
Now, some are going to claim "Rearrangement!", but no... I happened to be playing with my gummy bears (as I, and most likely everyone, usually do) at the time of seeing this thread.

I title this "Gummy Bear Orgy":

I know! It needs to be cleaned pretty bad, but I don't want to. Spilled a fucking Hoegaarden on my numpad the other day... smells too great to clean!

Edit: Actually, now that I think about it, that was about a month ago. Oh well... still smells FUCKING AWESOME.
Ahh, thats what I was thinking. For some reason, ray's used to crash on me all the time, so I went back to the default. Granted, that was many an installation ago, so I'll have to try it again sometime.