The Ultimate Studio Checklist

Jun 26, 2009
New Jersey
So i have spent much time thinking and i have cam to a conclusion. I wanna spend the rest of my life recording. Not even as a proffession (which i do want) but as a hobbyist also to record my own stuff. So with the help of you guys on Ultimate metal i wanna do this. I wanna put together a list of gear to get. Now as much as i want marshall full stacks and the whole bells and whistles thing thats not gonna happen for a long time. So for each piece of gear realistically i wanna spend no more than 400$ unless its a MUST HAVE! I would to put it in chronilogical order too. Like when i should get each thing after another (interface, then monitors, the preamp etc.) For right now i plan on doing a lot of DI stuff and reamping later. Also dont worry about drum mics and stuff for right now cause i dont have a place to blast drums. But an 8 in/out interface would be understandable cause it helps in the long run for having the many mics. Sorry for so much typing. Let the list begin! Any questions just ask and ill get back to you within the hour or two. :kickass:
i wanna completely replace my crappy set up. I lost most of my stuff in a house fire 6 months ago so that sucks. Now lets say i got that RME Fireface 400, what happens later down the road when i wanna hook up 8 mics to up for a drum kit? Would i have to run the mics through a mixer and then into it? And as far as monitors can anyone suggest any? Im not looking to spend more than 1000$ on them unless i REALLY have to
If the plan is to eventually record drum mics, you might as well splurge on the interface now if you have the budget.

Can you give us an overall budget for your entire set up?
Yeah basically in the next few months i will be baking two thousand a month. I will have about 5-6 months before i go to school. SO its about 12,000 but i also wanna get a new guitar and amp. I play death metal so i want a legit high gain amp. Im looking to spend about 1000 on a guitar but i can make that decision.