the UPS store is dumb


Nov 8, 2001
New York City
i made up a package for Aysha and brought it down to the UPS Store to ship it and they told me they couldn't send it as is because it was "in a liquor box" (a Heineken box).

i was like "uhh there's no liquor in it, and besides, this box was shipped TO me by someone else, i just ripped off the label" and the counter guy was like "yeah, it's stupid, no one else has this rule except us so you probably got it shipped through FedEx or something." another customer was at the counter and he was like "yeah UPS store sucks!" and started trying to give me directions to a FexEx place...and the counterperson was helping him!

but i didn't have time to go so i had to purchase a new box for $3.45 and just drop this one in it. the counter guy was nice and didn't weigh the new box when he charged me for the shipping, and he just made me pay for the box and said he'd take care of folding it up/taping it/labelling it later.

how the fuck does this stop terrorism or illegal activity or anything else!!!
I actually like my local PO for the most part. small town charm!

the PO closest to my work is hidden in the basement of Macy's and that has its own charms as well.
My local post office is awful. So when I go visit my parents's cats, I go around the corner to this little shack in the woods. PO Boxes are 1/3 the cost, the longest I've had to wait was 5 minutes, and stuff gets out about 3x faster.
I sent my mix off 3 times during the last mixtrade, and I highly doubt any of them have gotten to boing. I can usually get things easy from our PO, but sending is a completely different story.