The venue

Ralf Walter

Oct 3, 2002
Visit site
I just gotta say what a killer venue PP is at. No matter where you sit, you can see. The sound is awesome everywhere as well. I like the option of standing in the floor area or sitting back whenever I want.:loco:
I have to say I completely agree. Regardless if you want to sit or stand. It's one of the best venues I've been to for that size show.
I agree. EarthLink Live is a great place for any show. I wouldn't even think of moving PP to another venue, unless Glenn could score a sweet deal on the Tabernacle. :)

Earthlink kicks ass! Not to mention that I am becoming familiar with the area after being there for the last 2 years. I would be very content if the festival stayed put!
It was awesome to sit in a chair when I needed a break or wasn't as into a band, and then walk down v-e-r-y close to the stage whenever I wanted.

Earthlink Live is great!

Speaking from both working the stage and playing the event, this is a top notch venue. The back stage area and dressing rooms are pretty nice, especially considering the traffic this place see's. When the crew first started setting up the backline for PP2, Sevendust had played the night before and it was trashed...shit everywhere...and the venue crew had it cleaned before the first soundcheck...its easy (well unless we are running REALLY late :) to load in the equipment and easy access to the stage as well. The lighting rig is top of the line, as is the PA and sound boards. The main sound guys are also really cool and quite knowledgable...The stage is pretty big...plenty of room to run around and trip on the 800 chords taped the floor...And when you put as many top notch bands in a top notch venue like this, guided by one of the sexiest parrot heads in the underground, its like sex and chocolate. er wait...theres an analogy somewhere there...anyway...
The venue rules, the promoter rules, the bands rule, the crew rules, the sponsors rule and the fans rule. Everyone wins in this situation...and I cant wait to get this thing started! Its going to be another great Progpower! The thing that really is impressive is its like a big family atmosphere. A lot of people have known each other for a long time...meeting at events like this. Many bonds are formed both musically and personally...
If I drank this is where I would toast Glenn...ahh who am I kidding...I got a bottle of Jager in front of me. ;)

Reading Zero
PP stage asst
Harvester said:
Thanks! I honestly don't see me moving the festival anytime soon regardless of ticket demand or popularity.

Glenn H.

This is some of the best news I've heard in awhile. Earthlink Live is a PERFECT concert venue. The sightlines are excellent, the sound is awesome, there are places to sit, it's in a safe neighborhood, and the hotels and MARTA are within easy walking distance. I hope for many successful ProgPower shows in the future!

:tickled:Awesome - glad to hear so many positive votes for the venue - I was there for PP2 and thought the place was AWESOME. And REALLY glad to hear Glenn talking about having no immediate plans to move the show - Earthlink is the shit!!!! Great sounds , no bad seats, easy floor access....

Can't wait for Sept!!
Joel-RZ said:
If I drank this is where I would toast Glenn...ahh who am I kidding...I got a bottle of Jager in front of me. ;)

Yes, but is it a special Reading Zero bottle of Jaeger? Hmm? ;)
Lady of the Oracle said:
Yes, but is it a special Reading Zero bottle of Jaeger? Hmm? ;)

Ahhh...yes! Cant go wrong with that! The special RZ jager puts hair where it really isnt needed...and who doesnt love that! Im pretty sure we'll have some of that with us this year as well...never know ;)
Joel-RZ said:
Ahhh...yes! Cant go wrong with that! The special RZ jager puts hair where it really isnt needed...and who doesnt love that! Im pretty sure we'll have some of that with us this year as well...never know ;)

Yes I know, I'm still trying to shave that hair off after those shots you & Chris fed me last year, but it won't go away!! :lol: ;)

See you in a few weeks, hon! :)