Restaurant inside the venue???

We usually have a late, large lunch at the Madison Grill Friday and Saturday. Then sneak back to the Artmore/Granada for rolls and cold cuts or something else quick. That's the major reason we stay there; location! It's close enough to go between sets and grab a bite if you're quick.

Well I *TRIED* to stay there... but that didn't happen :erk: :lol:
i enjoyed the chicken tenders, actually. but i enjoy holding out for WAFFLE HOUSE after the show. also, another tip if you are staying somewhere with access to food and cooler we bring sandwiches and hit the car in the garage later in the day/evening to grub.
The Pizza in Vinyl was awesome last year. It took about 20-25 minutes but it was fairly mondo...
Other than that we buy stuff to keep in our room at the Artnadamore
I just eat a decent breakfast and late lunch and then bring some granola bars or nuts to keep the nutrients coming.

I thought about that, but I thought no food was allowed inside the venue....I hope I can at least bring a couple of protein bars and some raw almonds....
I thought about that, but I thought no food was allowed inside the venue....I hope I can at least bring a couple of protein bars and some raw almonds....

Hmmm...I wasn't aware of any "no food" rules. In the past, I've run back to my room at the Residence in between sets to grab a PB&J or a cup of yogurt, granola and fruit. And I always bring an extra Kashi or Lara bar. If I get really hungry, it is NOT pretty. :loco:

The only time I've ever had an issue is that I was told once last year that I couldn't come in with an "outside" bottle of water. :lol:
Last year was my first year, but I was wondering. Can you bring snacks to the show or no?

I would imagine that you could get away with sneaking in a couple of "breakfast" bars (i.e., granola, protein bars, etc). I've done that last year and it was a real life saver, especially as the night dragged on and was getting a serious case of the munchies.

Now, they may have an issue if you tried to bring in, say, a huge bag of Doritos and a cooler full of drinks, though.

In response to the original poster and topic.

Yes, they do have that "restaurant" down there in the vendor's area (which, BTW, during "normal" times, is an actual restaurant). However, as was already mentioned, you have to order at the bar there. They do get mobbed, and the wait can be lengthy, thus possible causing you to miss part of a set. Last year, they tried to help things by limiting the menu and serving food, such as pizza in an attempt to speed it up. I found the pizza to actually to be pretty good when I got a piece last year.

As to nearby places, there is the aforementioned Vespucci and Subway, which is just up a block. The pizza at Vespucci is actually quite good, in my opinion, but as was mentioned neither of these places are opened Saturday evening. Thus, I do recommend taking in a couple of snack bars to hold you over during the show and then find a place afterwords to get a "real" meal.
As to nearby places, there is the aforementioned Vespucci and Subway, which is just up a block. The pizza at Vespucci is actually quite good, in my opinion, but as was mentioned neither of these places are opened Saturday evening. Thus, I do recommend taking in a couple of snack bars to hold you over during the show and then find a place afterwords to get a "real" meal.

What he said! :lol: We did the snack bar/power bar thing last year. Worked out rather well. :)

Go to the Kroger or Publix grocery store and stock up.
Thank you my friends!!! Protein bars it is, and then Subway, except for Saturday!!! I guess I am on the Jared diet from Wednesday to Saturday!!!!!
Thank you my friends!!! Protein bars it is, and then Subway, except for Saturday!!! I guess I am on the Jared diet from Wednesday to Saturday!!!!!

I think the Subway closes at 6 every day so also be aware of that. Someone else can confirm whether this is true or not as I haven't ate there since PPVI.
We always get a quick sandwich at the little market in the Trump condominium complex... Not bad in a pinch, just south of the Artmore... They also have snacks, sodas and beers...
Subway does indeed close at 6 or earlier. I say that because on more than one occasion, they have run out of bread in the afternoon. You'd think after all these years, they'd figure out there are going to be busier than normal during PP time, but they haven't quite caught on yet.

I usually eat big before the show, and then eat big after the show. Probably not the most healthy option, but the only one that allows me to see and enjoy everything I want to see and enjoy.

Agreed, that's the simplest way, we usually have some food already bought and stored in the room upon return, malted hops will keep you full betwixt eating times!