total lie....there was a metal band on in the albion last night - death metal, granted but metal nonetheless....
picture the scene if you will: standard english pub, darkwood tables, patterned wall paper, gold light fixtures, mirrors on the walls and various shitty pictures that refer to local history, and then these five guys pick up there weapons or choice and from the first bang of the drum the whole crowd shut up - a mixture of the most elated faces who were totally chuffed that they were playing and flat-cap wearing indie ppl cringing at the eardrum bursting, pint glass shattering fucking ground shaking roars coming form the lead vocalist. then the lead guitarist gets up on the bench with one foot on the back of it and rips out some sheer class solos. vocalist takes teh hint and too gets on a table to roar his bollocks off........VERY SURPRISINGLY they won!!!!

decent bands never win this local battle of the bands thing - but this could be the turning point!!!
i'll stick the link up for the ep download when i find my flyer