The Vintersorg-video from Inferno is out!

Originally posted by DeadWinterDead
I enjoyed the Vintersorg video, and hope to see more. Perhaps with better quality? Hehe. It's still really great.

C'mon, don't forget about the Vintersorg DVD! It must
have SOME live footage on it, don't you think?! >:o)

It was weird seeing it, cause it wasn't that dark when
Vintersorg played.... You could see everything, I'd like
it as dark as the video is, of course, but probably
cause of security reasons it wasn't....
Wow, thanks Asgeir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rock: Unless someone hits Vintersorg over the head and drags him to New Zealand, that's probably the only chance I'll get to see them :D (not that I'm suggesting that someone should hit V over the head...;))

Damn, that's a really nice song. I'm gonna have to order the album on Thursday when I go to the record store!

[edit] Oh, and... Hooray, 1000 posts!!!!!! :hotjump:

Originally posted by Blackspirit

C'mon, don't forget about the Vintersorg DVD! It must
have SOME live footage on it, don't you think?! >:o)

It was weird seeing it, cause it wasn't that dark when
Vintersorg played.... You could see everything, I'd like
it as dark as the video is, of course, but probably
cause of security reasons it wasn't....

There's going to be a Vintersorg DVD? :) Yay! I'm glad. But if it doesn't happen, I'll understand. Vintersorg is so busy, and isn't exactly the richest man. Wish I could help ya man. Maybe someday my band will tour with ya guys... :grin: Anyways, I'm proud to say I'm a tr00 Vintersorg fan!
I hope they make it there and hopefully without any probs, touring the U.S. is very different from what it's like in Europe!
Anyway, looking forward to see them here in Germany. Till then my knee should be fine again. :)

And once again, thank you to Asgeir AND Andreas!!! It really brighten my painful days...
*Less than 24 hours and Morg having the first surgery*
just have to wait 20 min. before I can see it now... only that I doubt that it actually work on my comp. :\ !!!
so Ill have to wait two days before I can see it.. GAH!!!

can you actually see me??! WHEEEE hehehe :lol: :grin:
and yes... it did not work :\
and it dont help for me to update QuickTime eather... since it is QuickTime that dont work right on my comp...

you dont have it as divX then, Asgeir?


Now, only 98 weeks left till my 33,6 modem is done downloading it... Curse those devils that refuse to give us ADSL...

Still, who needs ADSL? Next stop:
Thanks alot in advance, I now officcially own a Vintersorg live video ;) :p Kind of :)
Made my day :) Again :)
Oooohkay this is great, this is just, great! Next Inferno I'll be driving down there myself, so he damn better show up then ;)
Serriosuly though, THANK YOU, Asgeir, Vintersorg, everybody that had had anything to do with getting us this video, THANK YOU! :) I'll be on a high for days now :) If not weeks :)
@Vanir, he will not... 'cuz the ppl who arrange Inferno does not want the same band two years in a row... so dont expect it...

there is a moose hunting a cake, flying past my window...
@Vanir :eek: THERE ARE PEOPLE THAT EXIST W/ 33.6 MODEMS! That is scary! We need a modem fund for vanir me thinks.....

@Hell yes i have flying mooses and cakes outside my window allllllllll the time........:rolleyes: :loco: