The Virgin Suicides


New Metal Member
Aug 1, 2001
CANADA (Vancouver)
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I realized something a while ago while seeing the great film : The Virgin Suicides (see it, if you have not!). Katatonia would have made a perfect soundtrack to that movie (not that the one it has by "Air" is bad or anything - its great). I just couldent help but think of Kataonia as I watched it. Very bleak/dark movie.
Tonights Music would have been great for the closing credits.
"How could this go so very wrong?" - Perfect. Or "Gone".
Anyone agree ?
I'm not sure whether Katatonia would be the perfect soundtrack for this some parts it surely suits,but not in the whole film...
I watched the film last summer...nice movie...enjoyable...hmmm bleak in some parts...but generally it was quite naive and not that tragic...I mean,it was sad...but still it was "light",weak somehow...The girls' pain was not so well demonstrated...apart from the first little girl of course...but for the rest who commited suicide together...hmmm it came like a bolt out of the blue..I knew that the girls would commit suicide in the end...but... while watching the movie you don't get the feeling this will happen...Ok,the girls have a lot of trouble with their idiot parents and stuff...but they don\t see soooo depressed to me....anyway,maybe it was meant to be something unexpected.... anyway.. grrrr i can't really express what i would like to say....this sucks.... :(
Anyway,it was a normal movie..."pleasant to watch"

Hmmmm i would love to slap the girls' parents though :mad:
I can't believe there are so damn stupid parents in this planet..I know it was just a movie,but for sure there are so stupidly conservative parents around....
:mad: :mad:
Originally posted by Melancholia
I'm not sure whether Katatonia would be the perfect soundtrack for this some parts it surely suits,but not in the whole film...
I watched the film last summer...nice movie...enjoyable...hmmm bleak in some parts...but generally it was quite naive and not that tragic...I mean,it was sad...but still it was "light",weak somehow...The girls' pain was not so well demonstrated...apart from the first little girl of course...but for the rest who commited suicide together...hmmm it came like a bolt out of the blue..I knew that the girls would commit suicide in the end...but... while watching the movie you don't get the feeling this will happen...Ok,the girls have a lot of trouble with their idiot parents and stuff...but they don\t see soooo depressed to me....anyway,maybe it was meant to be something unexpected.... anyway.. grrrr i can't really express what i would like to say....this sucks.... :(
Anyway,it was a normal movie..."pleasant to watch"

Hmmmm i would love to slap the girls' parents though :mad:
I can't believe there are so damn stupid parents in this planet..I know it was just a movie,but for sure there are so stupidly conservative parents around....
:mad: :mad:

wow, thanks for ruining the movie for me :) :p
Thanks for the welcome, btw :)
hahaha ! I was just gonna say : WAY TO RUIN IT ! No, just kidding... it's not ruined, you should still see it.
Well, I have to say that it was a VERY TRAGIC movie, not normal at all... how can you say it is not tragic when all of your children commit suicide !? (no big secret to the film - since it is called The Virgin Suicides) ... Katatonia would have also been great for my fave movie : REQUIEM FOR A DREAM, but Clint Mansell and Kronos Quartet did a PHENOMINAL job on that score (one of the best ever, I think!).
P.S. Looks like Trym traded in his long hair for a gun
yeah i'll still look out for the film, wow all comitting suicide, something really bad must have happened for them to do that, either that or they are all crazy. and i think LFDGD would be a good sound track maybe for a film about Dali, na i doubt that would work.
Originally posted by Scapegrace
Thanks for the welcome, btw :)
hahaha ! I was just gonna say : WAY TO RUIN IT ! No, just kidding... it's not ruined, you should still see it.
Well, I have to say that it was a VERY TRAGIC movie, not normal at all... how can you say it is not tragic when all of your children commit suicide !? (no big secret to the film - since it is called The Virgin Suicides) ... Katatonia would have also been great for my fave movie : REQUIEM FOR A DREAM, but Clint Mansell and Kronos Quartet did a PHENOMINAL job on that score (one of the best ever, I think!).
P.S. Looks like Trym traded in his long hair for a gun

Before i finished reading your post i was going to mention Requiem for a Dream which is a phenomenal film. I own and enjoy the score very much as well. Have you seen PI the directors first movie? is wonderful.
hey good to see another Arnofsky fan here. yeah Pi was cool but dosent even compare to the masterwork of Requiem. Tomorrow night I am going to see THE HOLE (Clint Mansell does the score !!!)... keep in touch !
Originally posted by Scapegrace
hey good to see another Arnofsky fan here. yeah Pi was cool but dosent even compare to the masterwork of Requiem. Tomorrow night I am going to see THE HOLE (Clint Mansell does the score !!!)... keep in touch !

I will have to check that out..Thanks
Originally posted by _Transparent_
wow, thanks for ruining the movie for me
hehe I just spoke my mind :) Hmmmm maybe i have a weird taste ;) but hmmm didn't I mention that it's worth seeing? ;)

Originally posted by Scapegrace
hahaha ! I was just gonna say : WAY TO RUIN IT ! No, just kidding... it's not ruined, you should still see it.
Well, I have to say that it was a VERY TRAGIC movie, not normal at all... how can you say it is not tragic when all of your children commit suicide !?

Well,it's cool watching the movie...I just didn't found it so touching or sth....I didn't even felt like crying or sth... It's not that i am insensitive or sth.On the contrary i'm very sensitive when it comes to matters like suicide,mental illnesses,disorders etc...
It's just that while i was watching it I got more angry with the girls' parents than sad....
Of course it's tragic when your children commit suicide....
But when you are a parent and treat your children in such an irrational way,you should await some kind reaction,even a tragic one....
I'm not sorry for their parents,I'm really sorry for the girls
:( :(
ah yes... you are TRUE AS THE GOSPEL ! But, no... really, I agree. The end scene where the house was all empty was one of the most haunting and bleak things I have ever seen on the big screen... and that music is PERFECT.
Dooooo Weeee Dooooo Voooo Dooooo Dooooo
Dooooo Weeeee Doooo Voooo Doooo Doooo