the weekend


Aug 2, 2002
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well, i will never be taking a bonanza bus again for the rest of my natural life. that's for sure. i don't care if i have to hitchhike or carjack someone. i won't even get into it. but let's just say that i am about as trashy and lowbrow as it can get and even i was aghast at the experience.

my niece's birthday party ruled though and i ate too much easter candy and also i get to leave work at 3 today. and the graffiti in RI is pretty okay maybe it's the kids at risd or something.
oh also i saw the movie 'barber shop' and i thought it was pretty okay but like, not as great as i'd expected unfortunately.
i used to take the bonanza bus all the time too. it was okay. but this last experience was like, a ride to hell and then a ride back. like, the first driver was insane and ranting the entire ride, and the second driver smelled like gin and juice and smoked in the bathroom and kept stopping the bus at rest stops and peeing in random places.
dude i was standing there like, wtf? with a line of about 45 other brain damaged freaks staring off into space in the blazing sun. everyone kept asking me 'why are you so dressed up?'

once i was on a NYC-boston bus that was scheduled to stop at wiiissstaahh, and the bus driver (not wanting to stop there if he didn't absolutely have to, of course) was like, "ANYONE HERE GOING TO WORCESTER?". no one answered, and he was like "All right!!!" all happy-like and you could hear murmurs of agreement.

then this one woman reedily piped up, "i am!" and there were huge sighs and groans from the whole bus. i felt pretty bad for her, but then again, she WAS going to WORCESTER.
hahaha.... my best friend lives right outside worcester and i keep telling her that she's going to lose points soon for the locale.