The "Welcome Back Omni" Thread

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Not joking. One of those A's are the only good grade, you can go without dinner if you're not willing to get them, if I catch you doing something illegal I will slap you with a rolling pin and then ground you for over a year types.
Though I'm sure your mother was a prime femdom in her day, I'm not really referring to the drill sergeant kind of intimidation here. :lol:
Fair enough. I think the Don Rickles idiom of "Jew Patton" is a sufficient description. I loved her though, good person, and probably the main reason I'm successful.
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Be careful, each time you put on your bitchy disapproval face you're probably planting a future male sub seed in those kids. That's probably why I am this way, too many female teachers frowned at me in school. :lol:
Be careful, each time you put on your bitchy disapproval face you're probably planting a future male sub seed in those kids. That's probably why I am this way, too many female teachers frowned at me in school. :lol:

Hahaha. Well there's studies that show by the age of 12 a lot of aspects of your personality pretty much stays the same. Therefore, if you like being yelled at 12 you'll probably like it as an adult too. :lol: Not mad at it, i'm sure i've harmed myself in worse ways
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Preferring dominant women is great imo except for trying to settle down with someone. Nothing seems to destroy relationships more brutally than complete sexual dissatisfaction and the case seems to be that the overwhelming majority of women, regardless of how alpha they act in public, are subs in private.

I usually am a patron of a professional mistress but that always becomes complicated when I meet someone, either I tell them and they want me to stop but they never quite trust that I'm not doing it behind their backs anyway or I just stop of my own accord without them knowing and just hope that they're a dirty empress in private. Spoiler, they never are and that goes for the few I've met on the basis that they advertised themselves as being dominant.

Relationships are already complicated bullshit paradigms of give and take, emotional needs and mental effort without having to deal with the complications of an unorthodox sexuality.


This should really be in the Males and Females thread tbh.
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